Septal lesions on one-way and two-way avoidance in rats
Kenyon, J., Krieckaus E.E. - 1965
43 day avoidance bar press responding in rats
Ulrich, R.E., Brierton G.R., Mabry J.H., Stachnik T.J. - 1965
Discriminated avoidance learning in rats: parameters of discontinuous shock
D'Amato, M.R., Keller D., Biederman G. - 1965
Spreading depression and passive avoidance in rats
Bures, J., Buresova O., Fifkova E. - 1964
Atropine on passive avoidance acquisition, retrieval and extinction in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J., Bohdanecky Z., Weiss T. - 1964
Similar and dissimilar shock and safe box on active avoidance learning and extinction in rats
Denny, M.R., Weisman R.G. - 1964
Cortical, septal and hippocampal lesions on avoidance learning in cats
Moore, R.Y. - 1964
Thalamic and septal lesions on active avoidance in rats
Vanderwolf, C.H. - 1964
Reticular formation lesions and avoidance reaction in cats
Chow, K.L., Randall W. - 1964
Active avoidance and footshock intensity in rats
Moyer, K.E., Korn J.H. - 1964
One-way versus shuttle box avoidance in rats
Theios, J., Dunway J.E. - 1964
Stimulus control of bar press-avoidance in rats
Ulrich, R.E., Holz W.C., Azrin N.H. - 1964
Caudate nucleus and septal area involvement in avoidance in cats
Fox, S.S., Kimble D.P., Lickey M.E. - 1964
Discriminated avoidance learning in rats: dissociation of conditioned stimulus and manipulation
Biederman, G.B., D'Amato M.R., Keller D.M. - 1964
Discriminated avoidance learning in rats: discountinuous shock
D'Amato, M.R., Keller D., DiCara L. - 1964
Long-term discriminated avoidance in the rat
D'Amato, M.R., Schiff D. - 1964
Basolateral amygdala on active and passive avoidance in cats
Horvath, F.E. - 1963
Reinforcement and punishment schedule on avoidance responding in rats
Babb, H. - 1963
Operant conditioning suppression on active avoidance acquisition and extinction in rats
Kamin, L.J., Brimer C.J., Black A.H. - 1963
Punishment on animal behavior - Review
Church, R.M. - 1963
Avoidance bar pressing behavior - freezing in rats - Methods
Feldman, R.S., Bremner F.J. - 1963
Lever press avoidance: multiple auditory on visual stimuli in rats
Field, G.E., Boren J.J. - 1963
General activity of pigeon: application to avoidance training in rats
Graf, V., Bitterman M.E. - 1963
Thalamic structures on retention of active avoidance in rats
Thompson, R. - 1963
Auditory avoidance conditioning and neocortex lesions in rats
Saavedra, M.A., Garcia E., Pinto-Hamuy T. - 1963
Shuttle box intertrial interval and acquisition in rats
Brush, F.R. - 1962