Intracerebroventricular 6-hydroxydopamine on avoidance in rats
Takasuna, M., Iwasaki T. - 1996
Midbrain dopamine neuron firing and rat's operant conditioning
Mirenowicz, J., Schultz W. - 1996
Meso-hippocampal dopaminergic system lesions on spatial memory in rats
Gasbarri, A., Sulli A., Innocenzi R., Pacitti C., Brioni J.D. - 1996
Amygdala lesions on nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex dopamine and serotonin release in conditioned fear stress of rats
Goldstein, L.E., Rasmusson A.M., Bunney B.S., Roth R.H. - 1996
β-carbolines on spatial working memory in rats and monkeys
Murphy, B.L., Arnsten A.F.T., Goldman-Rakic P.S., Roth R.H. - 1996
Regional and cellular fractioning of working memory - Review
Goldman-Rakic, P.S. - 1996
D1 antagonist into lateral septum on ethanol long-term potentiation suppression in hippocampus of rats
Criado, J.R., Steffensen S.C., Henriksen S.J. - 1996
Medial prefrontal cortex of rats on short-term memory, cholinergic and dopaminergic systems
Broersen, L.M., Heinsbroek R.P.W., de Bruin J.P.C., Uylings H.B.M., Olivier B. - 1995
Septo-hippocampal cholinergic system under discrimination learning in rats
Yamamuro, Y., Hori K., Tanaka J., Iwano H., Nomura M. - 1995
Neuromodulation and cortical function - Review
Hasselmo, M.E. - 1995
D1, D2 anragonist and propranolol antagonize theophylline amnesia in mice
Zarrindast, M.R., Jamali-Raeufy N., Shafaghi B. - 1995
Cholecystokinin into ventral tegmental area on dopamine in nucleus accumbens and amygdala of rat
Hamilton, M.E., Freeman A.S. - 1995
Effects of basolateral amygdala lesions on novelty and amphetamine responding in rats
Ahmed, S.H., Cador M., Le Moal M., Stinus L. - 1995
Asymmetrical involvement of dopaminergic neuron of the nucleus accumbens in conditioned taste aversion of the rats
Besson, C., Louilot A. - 1995
Apomorphine on locomotion, rearing and gnawing in different rat's strains
Essman, W.D., Luedtke R.R., McGonigle P., Lucki I. - 1995
Rat's red nucleus lesions on stereotipy and catecholamin levels
Kolasa, K., Consolo S., Costi P., Kleinrok Z., Zecca L. - 1995
NMDA receptor and dopaminergic system in passive avoidance in mice
Mele, A., Castellano C., Cestari V., Oliverio A. - 1995
Inescapable stress on conditioned avoidance in rats: dopaminergic striatal system
Friedhoff, A.J., Carr K.D., Uysal S., Schweitzer J. - 1995
Functional significance of mesolimbic dopamine - Review
Kiyatkin, E.A. - 1995
Dopamine release in nucleus accumbens by prefrontal cortex stimulation in the rat: metabotropic glutamate receptors modulation
Taber, T.M., Fibiger H.C. - 1995
Spontaneously hypertensive rats and dopamine in prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens and caudate
Russel, V., Villiers A., Sagvolden T., Lamm M., Taljard J. - 1995
Neurokinin substance P in learning - Review
Huston, J.P., Hasenohrl U. - 1995
Brain microdialysis and animal behavior - Review
Westerink, B.H.C. - 1995
NMDA and dopamine receptors and c-fos and junB induction in striatum following morphine administration - Review
Sharp, F.R., Liu J., Nickolenko J., Bontempi B. - 1995
Nucleus accumbens: behavioral, electrophysiological and anatomical data - Review
Pennartz, C.M.A., Groenewegen H.J., Lopes da Silva F.H. - 1994
Spatial learning in aged rats: neuroanatomical and neurochemical correlates
Lee, J.M., Ross E.R., Gower A., Paris J.M., Marensson R., Lorens S.A. - 1994