Hippocampal lesions on goal location recognition in spatial navigation in rats
Hollup, S.A., Kjelstrup K.G., Hoff J., Moser M.-B., Moser E.I. - 2001
Hippocampus and anterior thalamic nuclei on allothetic spatial learning in rats
Warburton, E.C., Baird A.L., Morgan A., Muir J.L., Aggleton J.P. - 2001
Perirhinal cortex on perceptual discrimination in monkeys
Buckley, M.J., Booth M.C.A., Rolls E.T., Gaffan D. - 2001
Perirhinal and entorhinal cortex lesions on object recognition memory in rats
Kesner, R.P., Ravindranathan A., Jackson P., Giles R., Chiba A.A. - 2001
Hippocampus on trace classical conditioning in the rat
Beylin, A.V., Gandhi C.C., Wood G.E., Talk A.C., Matzei L.D., Shors T.J. - 2001
Hippocampal lesions on recognition memory and Y- and T-maze task in rats
Higgs, S., Bannerman D.M., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2001
Early hippocampal lesions on delayed and not-delayed eyeblink conditioning in rats
Ivkovich, D., Stanton M.E. - 2001
Bilateral dorsal hippocampus and parietal cortex lesions on path integration of rats
Save, E., Guazzelli A., Poucet B. - 2001
Ventral periaqueductal gray lesions on conditioned and unconditioned freezing in rats
Vianna, D.M.L., Graeff F.G., Landeira-Fernandez J., Brandao M.L. - 2001
Orbitofrontal cortex and conditioned taste aversion - Review
Schoenbaum, G., Setlow B. - 2001
Bilateral parietal lobe damage in humans and representation of space
Kim, M.-S., Robertson L.C. - 2001
Subcortical and entorhinal connections to the hippocampus in fear conditioning of the rat
Bannerman, D.M., Yee B.K., Lemaire M., Jarrard L., Iversen S.D., Rawlins J.N.P., Good M.A. - 2001
Permanent and temporary inactivation of hippocampus on T-maze avoidance in mice
Farr, S.A., Banks W.A., La Scola M.E., Flood J.F., Morley J.E. - 2000
Benzodiazepines on conditioned suppression in cholinergic basal forebrain lesioned rats
Stowell, J.R., Bernston G.G., Sarter M. - 2000
Post-acquisition amygdala lesions on shock-probe avoidance retention-retrieval in rats
Lehmann, H., Treit D., Parent M.B. - 2000
Amygdala and hippocampus lesions on fear conditioning to context in rats
Antoniadis, E.A., McDonald R.J. - 2000
Nucleus accumbens and basolateral amygdala lesions ipsi- or contralateral on glucocorticoid modulation of passive avoidance consolidation in rats
Setlow, B., Roozendaal B., McGaugh J.L. - 2000
Bed nucleus and amygdala role on shock-induced hyperalgesia in rats
Crown, E.D., King T.E., Meagher M.W., Grau J.W. - 2000
Amygdala lesions in mice on fear-potentiated startle to visual and auditory CS
Heldt, S., Sundin V., Willott J.F., Falls W.A. - 2000
Basolateral amygdala lesions and contextual fear conditioning in rats
Cahill, L., Vazdarjanova A., Setlow B. - 2000
Central and basolateral amygdala lesions in appetitive emotional learning in rats
Parkinson, J.A., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 2000
Amygdala central nucleus lesions on selective attention task in rats
Holland, P.C., Han J.-S., Gallagher M. - 2000
Perirhinal cortex lesions on spatial anterograde and retrograde memory in rats
Mumby, D.G., Glenn M.J. - 2000
Median raphe nucleus lesions on hippocampal serotonin and exploration in rats
Thomas, H., Fink H., Sohr R., Voits M. - 2000
Early midline cerebellar lesions on cognitive and emotional rat's functions
Bobee, S., Mariette E., Tremblay-Leveau H., Caston J. - 2000
Dorsal hippocampal lesions on contextual freezing and contextual blocking of fear potentiated startle in rats
McNish, K.A., Gewirtz J.C., Davis M. - 2000
Subicular complex and entorhinal cortex lesions on spatial memory in rats
Oswald, C.J.P., Good M. - 2000
Anterior cingulate cortex and nucleus accumbens lesions on food rewarded paradigm asymmetric lesions in rats
Parkinson, J.A., Willoughby P.J., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 2000
Perirhinal cortex ablation and object identification in rats
Gaffan, E.A., Eacott M.J., Simpson E.L. - 2000
Gustatory thalamus lesions on conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Grigson, P.S., Lyuboslavsky P., Tanase D. - 2000