Entorhinal and perirhinal lesions on visual discrimination in monkeys
Baxter, M.G., Murray E.A. - 2001
Entorhinal cortex lesions on Pavlovian conditioning and hippocampal activity in rabbits
Ryou, J.-W., Cho S.-Y., Kim H.-T. - 2001
Subthalamic nucleus lesions on response selection in appetitive rewarding of rats
Baunez, C., Humby T., Eagle D.M., Ryan L.J., Dunnett S.B., Robbins T.W. - 2001
Hippocampal damage and monkey's recognition memory - Commentary
Zola, S.M., Squire L.R. - 2001
Hippocampal damage, landmark and spatial navigation in the rat
Ramos, J.M.J. - 2001
Nucleus accumbens lesions on isntrumental conditioning in the rat
Corbit, L.H., Muir J.L., Balleine B.W. - 2001
Dentate nucleus lesions on spatial navigation in the rat
Joyal, C.C., Strazielle C., Lalonde R. - 2001
Neonatal dentate gyrus lesions on allothetic and idiothetic navigation of rats
Czeh, B., Stuchlik A., Wesierska M., Cimadevilla J.M., Pokorny J., Seress L., Bures J. - 2001
Fornix and medial prefrontal cortex lesions on water maze performance in the rat
De Bruin, J.P.C., Moita M.P., de Brabander H.M., Joosten R.N.J.M.A. - 2001
Hippocampal, entorhinal and perirhinal lesions on aodor association and food rewarded alternation in the rat
Alvarez, P., Lipton P.A., Melrose R., Eichenbaum H. - 2001
Cortical activity for recognition in humans: hippocampal damage effects
Duzel, E., Vargha-Khadem F., Heinze H.J., Mishkin M. - 2001
Nucleus accumbens lesions on operative responding in the rat: noradrenergic effects of cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex
Cardinal, R.N., Pennicott D.R., Sugathapala C.L., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 2001
Hippocampal and fornix lesions on conditioned place preference in rats
Ferbinteanu, J., McDonald R - 2001
Lateral parabrachial nucleus lesions on neophobia and conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Reilly, S., Trifunovic R. - 2001
Fornix, anterior thalamus, mammillary nuclei and retrohippocampal lesions on visual discrimination in the rat
Gaffan, E.A., Bannerman D.M., Warburton E.C., Aggleton J.P. - 2001
Crossed unilateral medial forebrain bundle and temporal and frontal cortex on object recognition in monkeys
Easton, A., Parker A., Gaffan D. - 2001
Medial prefrontal lesions on eyeblink reflex in rabbits
McLaughlin, J., Flaten M.A., Chachich M., Powell D.A. - 2001
Effects of insular cortex and intralaminar complex lesions on fear conditioning to tone in the rat
Brunzell, D.H., Kim J.J. - 2001
Medial caudate-putamen lesions in spatial learning of the rat
Sakamoto, T., Okaichi H. - 2001
Perirhinal cortex lesions on object and spatial information in rats
Bussey, T.J., Dias R., Amin E., Muir J.L., Aggleton J.P. - 2001
Prefrontal and contralateral dorsal striatal lesions on Pavlovian conditioning and attention in rats
Christakou, A., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 2001
Entorhinal cortex in attentional modulation in rats
Oswald, C.J.P., Yee B.K., Rawlins J.N.P., Bannerman D.B., Good M., Honey R.C. - 2001
Parabrachial lesions on taste and odor conditioned aversion in rats
Sclafani, A., Azzara A.V., Touzani K., Grigson P.S., Norgren R. - 2001
Thalamic and prelimbic cortex lesions on visual discrimination task in rats
Chudasama, Y., Bussey T.J., Muir J.L. - 2001
Perirhinal lesions on visual recognition in monkeys
Malkova, L., Bachevalier J., Mishkin M., Saunders R.C. - 2001
Hippocampal CA3 lesions and adrenocortical suppression on water maze retrieval in the rat
Roozendaal, B., Phillips R.G., Power A.E., Brooke S.M., Sapolsky R.M., McGaugh J.L. - 2001
Cerebellar lesions and eye reaching movemnt in primates
Lewis, R.F., Tamargo R.J. - 2001
Hippocampal lesions on object discrimination in monkeys
Ridley, R.M., Hardy A., Maclean C.J., Baker H.F. - 2001
Dentate gyrus and CA1 lesions on spatial and non-spatial memory in rats
Gilbert, P.E., Kesner R.P., Lee I. - 2001
Hippocampal lesions on place responce in rats
Ramos, J.M.J. - 2001