Pre- and post-training intra-nucleus accumbens AMPA, NMDA and D1 antagonists on operant conditioning of rats
Hernandez, P.J., Andrzejewski M.E., Sadeghian K., Panksepp J.B., Kelley A.E. - 2005
Striatal dopamine release and operant conditioning in rats
Nakazato, T. - 2005
Accumbal dopamine and NMDA receptors on appetitive Pavlovian conditioning in rats
Dalley, J.W., Laane K., Theobald D.E.H., Armstrong H.C., Corlett P.R., Chudasama Y., Robbins T.W. - 2005
Substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons in rat's classical conditioning
Pan, W.-X., Schmidt R., Wickens J.R., Hyland B.I. - 2005
Intrastriatal dopamine, AMPA and NMDA antagonists on conditioned place preference of rats
Vanderschuren, L.J.M.J., Di Ciano P., Everitt B.J. - 2005
Dopaminergic circuit in ganglia of Aplysia and classical conditioning
Reyes, F.D., Mozzachiodi R., Baxter D.A., Byrne J.H. - 2005
Dopaminergic transmission in medial prefrontal cortex by NMDA ventral hippocampuys stimulation in rats
Peleg-Raibstein, D., Pezze M.A., Ferger B., Zhang W.-N., Murphy C.A., Feldon J., Bast T. - 2005
Sucrose consumption and cerebral dopamine/serotonin-induced by chronic mild stress in differet rat strains
Bekris, S., Antoniou K., Daskas S., Papadopoulou-Daifoti Z. - 2005
D1-like receptor in prefrontal cortex plasticity in rats
Young, C.E., Yang C.R. - 2005
D1 and D2 receptor role in hippocampus-prefrontal cortex pathway long-term potentitation of rats
Ishikawa, A., Kadota T., Kadota K., Matsumura H., Nakamura S. - 2005
Neural mechanisms underlying valuation and learning - Review
Salzman, C.D., Belova M.A., Paton J.J. - 2005
Phencyclidine and D-amphetamine on conditioned taste aversion conditioning and latent inhibition in rats
Palsson, E., Klamer D., Wass C., Archer T., Engel J.A., Svensson L. - 2005
Intra-nucleus accumbens amphetamine on conditioned fear and startle reflex of rats
Schwienbacher, I., Fendt M., Schnitzler H.-U. - 2005
Hypothalamic melanin concentrating hormone on nucleus accumbens modulation of stress and feeding behavior in rats
Georgescu, D., Sears R.M., Hommel J.D., Barrot M., Bolanos C.A., Marsh D.J., Bednarek M.A., Bibb L.A., Maratos-Flier E., Nestler E.J., DiLeone R.J. - 2005
Psychotomimetics on latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversion in rats: role of nitric oxide
Klamer, D., Palsson E., Wass C., Archer T., Engel J.A., Svensson L. - 2005
Systemic dopamine D1 agonist and rat's acoustic startle reflex performance
Zhang, Z.-J., Jiang X.-L., Zhang S.E., Hough C.J., Li H., Chen J.-G., Zhen X.-C. - 2005
Hippocampal-ventral tegmental area loop on associative functions - Review
Lisman, J.E., Grace A.A. - 2005
Systemic or intra-nucleus accumbens D-amphetamine on habituation of conditioned suppression in rats
Dieu, Y., Seillier A., Majchrzak M., Marchand A., Di Scala G. - 2005
Hippocampus, nucleus accumbens and dopaminergic system role in latent inhibition - Review
Schmajuk, N. - 2005
Dopamine role in latent inhibition - Review
Young, A.M.J., Moran P.M., Joseph M.H. - 2005
Calcineurin and protein kinase A role in nucleus accumbens amphetamine conditioned place preference in rats
Gerdjikov, T.V., Beninger R.J. - 2005
Dopamine D2 receptors on fear conditioning extinction in mice
Ponnusamy, R., Nissim H.A., Barad M. - 2005
Systemic D1 agonist on object recognition memory of rats
Hotte, M., Naudon L., Jay T.M. - 2005
Cocaine exposure on long-term potentiation in ventral tegmental area of rats
Liu, Q., Pu L., Poo M. - 2005
Systemic D2 agonist and antagonist on fear conditioning extinction in mice
Ponnusamy, R., Nissim H.A., Barad M. - 2005
Systemic dopamine agonist and antagonist on conditioned fear extinction in mice
Ponnusamy, R., Nissim H.A., Barad M. - 2005
NMDA and dopamine ventral hippocampal role on c-fos expression in nucleus accumbens and striatum of rats
Zornoza, T., Cano-Cebrian M.J., Martinez-Garcia F., Polache A., Granero L. - 2005
Noradrenaline and dopamine release in prefrontal cortex during appetitive classical conditioning acquisition and extinction in rats
Mingote, S., de Bruin J.P., Feenstra M.G.P. - 2004
Post-acquisition intra-hippocampal adrenergic agonist and protein kinase A activator reverse cannabinoid passive avoidance amnesia in rats
Barros, D.M., Carlis V., Maidana M., Silva E.S., Muccillo Baisch A.L., Ramirez M.R., Izquierdo I. - 2004
Rodent prefrontal cortex and cognitive function - Review
Dalley, J.W., Cardinal R.N., Robbins T.W. - 2004