Hippocampal lesions on object and context exploration in rats
Mumby, D.G., Gaskin S., Glenn M.J., Schramek T.E., Lehmann H. - 2002
Medial supramammillary nucleus on hippocampal theta activity and behavior in rats
Pan, W.-X., McNaughton N. - 2002
Dorsal and ventral hippocampus on spatial memory and hyponeophagia in rats
Bannerman, D.M., Deacon R.M.J., Offen S., Friswell J., Grubb M., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2002
Fimbria-fornix lesions on exploration and orientation in mice
Gorny, J.H., Gorny B., Wallace D.G., Whishaw I.Q. - 2002
Medial prefrontal cortex lesions on locomotor activity, spatial and food rewarded learning in rats
Lacroix, L., White I., Feldon J. - 2002
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on acquisition and retention of two-way active avoidance in rats
Vale-Martinez, A., Guillazo-Blanch G., Martì-Nicolovius M., Nadal R., Arevalo-Garcia R., Morgado-Bernal I. - 2002
Median raphe lesions and dorsal hippocampus muscarinic blockade on passive avoidance in rats
Babar, E., Melik E., Ozgunen T., Polat S. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions on avoidance and spatial learning in mice
Deacon, R.M.J., Bannerman D.M., Kirby B.P., Croucher A., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions and blindness on T-maze avoidance in mice
Farr, S.A., Banks W.A., La Scola M.E., Morley J.E. - 2002
Fimbria lesions on two-way active avoidance learning and memory in rats
Guillazo-Blanch, G., Nadal R., Vale-Martinez A., Martì-Nicolovius M., Arevalo R., Morgado-Bernal I. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions and rat's passive avoidance
Martinez, I., Quirarte G.L., Diaz-Cintra S., Quiror C., Prado-Alcalà R.A. - 2002
Entorhinal cortex lesions on latent inhibition in conditioned emotional response in rats: dopamine release in nucleus accumbens
Coutureau, E., Lena I., Daugé V., Di Scala G. - 2002
Fornix transection and visuomotor learning in monkeys
Brasted, P.J., Bussey T.J., Murray E.A., Wise S.P. - 2002
Perirhinal cortex and visual object representation in monkeys - Model
Bussey, T.J., Saksida L.M. - 2002
Perirhinal cortex and configural discrimination learning in monkeys
Bussey, T.J., Saksida L.M., Murray E.A. - 2002
Anterodorsal and ventromedial thalamus nuclei lesions on spatial memory in rats
Van Groen, T., Kadish I., Wyss J.M. - 2002
Climbing and parallel fiber inputs on cerebellar cortex activity in spatial navigation of the rat
Rondi-Reig, L., Le Marec N., Caston J., Mariani J. - 2002
Parabrachial nucleus on acquisition and expression of conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Lopez Grancha, M., Navarro M., Cubero I., Thiele T.E., Bernstein I.L. - 2002
Fimbria-fornix, hippocampus and entorhinal cortex lesions on spatial reference and working memory in rats
Galani, R., Obis S., Coutureau E., Jarrard L., Cassel J.-C. - 2002
Retrosplenial lesions on spatial learning in different rat strains
Harker, K.T., Whishaw I.Q. - 2002
Prelimbic and infralimbic cortices lesions on visual object working memory in rats
Ragozzino, M.E., Detrick S., Kesner R.P. - 2002
Hippocamapal CA3 axon transection on spatial memory retention in rats
Steffenach, H.-A., Sloviter R.S., Moser E.I., Moser M.-B. - 2002
Nucleus accumbens lesions on instrumental and Pavlovian conditioning in rats
De Borchgrave, R., Rawlins J.N.P., Dickinson A., Balleine B.W. - 2002
Eyeblink conditioning in decerebrate guinea pigs
Kotani, S., Kawahara S., Kirino Y. - 2002
Rhinal cortex lesions on operant conditioning in primates
Chavoix, C., Blaizot X., Meguro K., Landeau B., Baron J.C. - 2002
Cerebroventricular kainic acid on fear-mediated memory processing in the rat
Yin, H., Bardgett M.E., Csernansky J.G. - 2002
Rat medial prefrontal cortex in novelty detection
Dias, R., Honey R.C. - 2002
Rat's post- and perirhinal cortex lesions on contextual fear conditioning
Bucci, D.J., Saddoris M.P., Burwell R.D. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions and spatial navigation in mice
Deacon, R.M.J., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2002
Perirhinal cortex lesions on discrimination and generalization in operant conditioning of monkeys
Hampton, R.R., Murray E.A. - 2002