Vasopressin and oxytocin in nociception of rats
Kordower, J.H., Bodnar R.J. - 1984
Intracerebroventricular vasopressin response to stress in mice: degradation study
Meisenberg, G., Simmons W.H. - 1984
Oxytocin and vasopressin agonist and antagonist analog neuropeptides
Manning, M., Sawyer W.H. - 1984
Vasopressin- and oxytocin-like pepetides in Mammalian sympathetic nervous system
Hanley, M.R., Benton H.P., Lightman S.L., Todd K., Bones E.A., Fretten P., Palmer S., Kirk C.J., Mitchell R.H. - 1984
Vasopressin in Brattleboro and control rats - Review
Richter, D., Schmale H. - 1984
Vasopressin action on memory - Commentary
Gash, D.M., Thomas G.J. - 1984
Vasopressin on memory - Commentary
De Wied, D. - 1984
Vasopressin in memory - Commentary
De Wied, D. - 1984
Vasopressin on memory - Commentary
Danguir, J. - 1984
Vasopressin on human behavior
Fehm-Wolfdorf, G., Born J., Voigt K.-H., Fehm H.L. - 1984
Vasopressin on memory in schizophrenic patients
Stein, D., Bannet J., Averbuch I., Landa L., Chazan S., Belmaker R.H. - 1984
Active and passive avoidance in Brattelboro rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A. - 1984
Circadian rhythms, sovrachiasmatic nuclei, serotonin and vasopressin - Review
Groos, G., Mason R., Meijer J. - 1983
Memory process neuromodulation - Review
Gold, P.E., Zornetzer S.F. - 1983
Catecholamines and memory - Review
McGaugh, J.L. - 1983
ACTH4-10, αmelanocyte stimulating hormone, corticotropin releasing factor and arginine vasopressin on passive avoidance in rats
Sahgal, A., Wright C., Edwardson J.A., Keith A.B. - 1983
Adrenergic system and vasopressin in mice
Hoffman, P.L., Melchior C.L., Tabakoff B. - 1983
Norepinephrine and vasopressin on aging of rats
Sladek, J.R.Jr., Scholer J., Armstrong W.E. - 1983
Vasopressin and hippocampal norepineprhine release in rats
Hagan, J.J., Balfour D.J.K. - 1983
Adreno-cortico-tropic-hormone, cholinergic and adrenergic systems and extinction - Review
Mason, S.T. - 1983
Vasopressin release in central nervous system - Review
Sklar, A.H., Schrier R.W. - 1983
Vasopressin and amnesia induced by electroconvulsive shock in humans
Partap, M., Jos C.J., Dye C.J. - 1983
Antidiuretic hormone and glucocorticoids - Review
Beach, F.A. - 1983
Exploratory habituation in Brattleboro rats
Cerbone, A., Sacco M., Sadile A.G. - 1983
Exploration, response to stress, spatial learning, active and passive avoidance in Brattleboro and control rats
Brito, G.N.O. - 1983
Vasopressin in locomotion/exploration in Brattleboro and control rats
Williams, A.R., Carey R.J., Miller M. - 1983
Vasopressin on brain adenylate cyclase activity in rats: dopaminergic modulation
Courtney, N., Raskind M. - 1983
Vasopressin on locoomotor activity and operant conditioning in Brattleboro rats
Sahgal, A. - 1983
Vasopressin on locomotor activity and operant responding in rats
Andrews, J.S., Newton B.A., Sahgal A. - 1983
Vasopressin blood level during avoidance behavior in rats
Laczi, F., Fekete M., De Wied D. - 1983