Responding conditioning and auditory cortex plasticity - Review
Weinberger, N.M., Bakin J.S. - 1998
Plasticity in neocortical neurons in rats
Turrigiano, G.G., Leslie K.R., Desai N.S., Rutherford L.C., Nelson S.B. - 1998
Environmental enrichment and forepaw representation in primary somatosensory cortex of rats
Coq, J.-O., Xerri C. - 1998
Complex structure of a simple memory - Review
Wolpaw, J.R. - 1997
Protein kinase C in hippocampal synaptic plasticity - Review
Ramakers, G.M.J., Pasinelli P., Hens J.J.H., Gispen W.H., De Graan P.N.E. - 1997
GAP-43 growth factor on plasticity - Review
Benowitz, L.I., Routtenberg A. - 1997
Model of long-term memory storage in cerebellar cortex
Kenyon, G.T. - 1997
Genes, synapses and long-term memory - Review
Kandel, E.R. - 1997
Hippocampal synaptic plasticity in spatial learning - Commentary
Morris, R.G.M. - 1996
α-calcium calmodulin kinase II, CREB, long-term potentiation and memory - Review
Silva, A.J., Fedorov N., Kogan J., Frankland P., Coblentz J., Lundsten R., Friedman E., Smith A., Cho Y., Giese K.P. - 1996
Morphological and electrophysiological properties of avian hyperstriatum ventrale
Bradley, P.M., Burns B.D., King T.M., Webb A.C. - 1996
Cell adhesion molecules, CREB and new synaptic connections - Review
Martin, K.C., Kandel E.R. - 1996
Synaptic plasticity and cellular mechanisms of memory - Review
Bliss, T.V.P., Fregnac Y. - 1996
Norepinephrine and neural plasticity: effects of xylamine, noradrenergic neurotoxin, in rats
Benloucif, S., Bennett E.L., Rosenzweig M.R. - 1995
Partial blocking of NMDA receptors restricts plastic changes in mouse barrel cortex
Jablonska, B., Gierdalski M., Skangiel-Kramska J., Kossut M. - 1995
Neural cell adhesion molecule in memory formation - Review
Schmidt, R. - 1995
Gangliosides in bio-signaling - Review
Nagai, Y. - 1995
Plasticity of inhibitory synapses in the brain - Review
Kano, M. - 1995
Learning and memory and long-term synaptic plasticity - Review
Maren, S., Baudry M. - 1995
Protein kinase A: link between short- and long-term memory - Review
Spatz, H.C. - 1995
Gangliosides and central nervous system - Review
Wiegandt, H. - 1995
Brain gangliosides and memory formation - Review
Rahmann, H. - 1995
2-deoxyglucose and c-Fos antibodies to map stimulus features in auditory cortex - Review
Scheich, H., Zuschratter W. - 1995
c-Fos immunocytochemical evidence for acoustic pathway mapping in rats
Friauf , E. - 1995
mGluR1 mutant mice: cerebellar and hippocampal plasticity and behavior
Conquet, F., Bashir Z.I., Davies C.H., Daniel H., Ferraguti F., Bordi F., Franz-Bacon K., Reggiani A., Matarese V., Condè F., Collingridge G.L., Crepel F. - 1994
Dendritic spine density in CA1 and spatial learning in rats
Moser, M.-B., Trommald M., Andersen P. - 1994
Changes in vesicle apparatus of forebrain synapses after passive avoidance in chicks
Rusakov, D.A., Stewart M.G., Davies H.A., Harrison E. - 1993
β-endorphin and GABAergic drugs on memory storage in mice
Castellano, C., Introini-Collison I.B., McGaugh J.L. - 1993
At PND21 systemic methotrexate administration on serum folate metabolites/toxicity markers levels, hippocampal cell proliferation, locomotion/exploration, response to stress and Morris water maze performance in adult female mice
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Serotonin and learning-related synaptic growth in Aplysia: neural cell adhesion molecule role
Bailey, C.H., Chen M., Keller F., Kandel E.R. - 1992
Fibronectin receptor internalization in calves
Sczekan, M.M., Juliano R.L. - 1990