Social transmission of food preferences in rats
Laland, K.N., Plotkin H.C. - 1993
Social learning in rats: transmission of foraging information
Laland, K.N.,. Plotkin H.C. - 1992
Psychoimmunology of social factors in rodents - Review
Bohus, B., Koolhaas J.M. - 1991
Premature social isolation; neuronal plasticity
Sanchez-Toscano, F., Sanchez M.M., Garzon J. - 1991
Ontogeny of social behavior and grooming in open field in rats
Frankova, S., Mikulecka A. - 1990
Social isolation and crouching upon active avoidance in rats
Viveros, M.P., Hernandez R., Gallego A. - 1990
Serotonergic system and depression in rats
Koolhaas, J.M., Hermann P.M., Kemperman C., Bohus B., Van Den Hoofdakker R.H., Beersma D.G.M. - 1990
Social learning and social transmission of information in rats
Laland, K.N., Plotkin H.C. - 1990
Individual housing and adaptation of physiological variables to chornic stress in rats
Giralt, M., Armario A. - 1989
Caffeine and ethanol effects on social behavior, exploration and locomotor activity in mice
Hilakivi, L.A., Durcan M.J., Lister R.G. - 1989
Conspecific and predatory stressors-odors on defensive response in rats
Williams, J.L., Scott D.K. - 1989
High- and low-avoidance rats on social dominance and pradator response
Brush, F.R., Blanchard R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1989
Estradiol, parental experience and prolactin on ultrasound recognition and pup-retrieving in mice
Koch, M., Ehret G. - 1989
Comparative psychology, ethology and animal behavior - Review
Dewsbury, D.A. - 1989
Social isolation and crowding on open field behavior in rats: sex differences
Viveros, M.P., Hernandez R. - 1988
Exploration and learned behavior in rats: ontogeny and habituation
Frankova, S., Mikulecka A. - 1988
Septal lesion in rats: pre-operative environmental enrichment and recovery
Dalrymple-Alford, J., Kelche C., Eclancher F., Will B. - 1988
Dominance and aggression in colonies of laboratory rats
Blanchard, R.J., Flannelly K.J., Blanchard C.D. - 1988
Prenatal stress and housing on parental and sexual behavior of male rats
McLeod, P.J., Brown R.E. - 1988
Social isolation and crowding and adrenocortical reactivity to footshock; sex differences in rats
Viveros, M.P., Hernandez R., Martinez I., Gonzales P. - 1988
Individual housing on circadian hypothalamic serotonin and corticosterone in rats
Greco, A.M., Gambardella P., Sticchi R., D'Aponte D., Di Renzo G., De Franciscis P. - 1988
Sex differences in investigatory and grooming behaviors following exposure to novelty in rats
Thor, D.H., Harrison R.J., Schneider S.R., Carr W.J. - 1988
Behavioral dominance: probabilistic considerations - Review
Hopkins, P.O. - 1987
Individual differences, sex differences on predation, food boarding and burrowing in rats
Negrao, N., Schmidek W.R. - 1987
Individual differences by changing environment in mice and rats
Benus, R.F., Koolhaas J.M., Van Oortmerssen G.A. - 1987
Vasopressin and antagonists on social memory in rats
Dantzer, R., Bluthe M., Koob G.F., Le Moal M. - 1987
Cerebral noradrenaline and dopamine on locomotion and grooming in different strains of mice
Krehbiel, D. , Bartel B., Dirks M., Wiens W. - 1986
Neonatal benzodiazepine on behavior of adult rats
File, S.E. - 1986
Neonatal clonazepam on behavior of adult rats
File, S.E. - 1986
Mesial prefrontal cortical lesions and timidity in rats: seminatural environments
Holson, R.R. - 1986