Dorsal and ventral raphe nuclei 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesions on conditioned gaping and taste aversion in rats
Limebeer, C.L., Parker L.A., Fletcher P.J. - 2004
Substantia nigra lesions and hippocampal inactivation on water maze task in rats
Da Cunha, C., Wietzikoski S., Wietzikoski E.C., Miyoshi E., Ferro M.M., Anselmo-Franci J.A., Canteras N.S. - 2003
Basolateral amygdala on conditioned freezing and passive avoidance acquisition and recall in rats
Berlau, D.J., McGaugh J.L. - 2003
Olfactory bulbectomy on choline acetyltransferase in amygdala, cortex, hippocampus and on passive avoidance
Hozumi, S., Nakagawasai O., Tan-No K., Niijima F., Yamadera F., Murata A., Arai Y., Yasuhara H., Tadano T. - 2003
Septo-hippocampal cholinergic projection on T-maze alternation in rats
Kirby, B.P., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2003
Acetylcholine immunotoxin into striatum of mice on spatial memory, fear conditioning and locomotion
Kitabatake, Y., Hikida T., Watanabe D., Pastan I., Nakanishi S. - 2003
Nerve growth factor on operant conditioning in entorhinal cortex lesioned rats - hippocampal acetylcholine
Shimode, H., Ueki A., Morita Y. - 2003
Diencephalic damage decreases hippocampal acetylcholine release during spontaneous alternation testing in rats
Savage, L.M., Chang Q., Gold P.E. - 2003
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis cholinergic lesions on motor learning in rats
Conner, J.M., Culberson A., Packowski C., Chiba A.A., Tuszynski M.H. - 2003
Basolateral amygdala lesions effect on second order Pavlovian conditioning extinction in rats
Lindgren, J.L., Gallagher M., Holland P.C. - 2003
Amygdala role in conditioned flavor preference in rats
Gilbert, P.E., Campbell A., Kesner R.P. - 2003
Basolateral amygdala lesions on instrumental conditioning in rats
Balleine, B.W., Killcross A.S., Dickinson A. - 2003
Human amygdala and emotional evolution of sensory stimuli - Review
Zald, D.H. - 2003
Basolateral amygdala dopamine depletion effect on nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex dopamine responses to stress in rats
Stevenson, C.W., Sullivan R.N., Gratton A. - 2003
Amygdala lesions on elevated T-maze test in rats
Strauss, C.V.A., Maisonnette S.S., Coimbra N.C., Zangrossi H. Jr. - 2003
Glucocorticoids into the hippocampus on spatial memory retrieval in rats: interactions of basolateral amygdala lesions
Roozendaal, B., Griffith Q.K., Buranday J., de Quervain D.J.-F., McGaugh J.L. - 2003
Orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala lesions on odor-guided discrimination task in rats
Schoenbaum, G., Setlow B., Nugent S.L., Saddoris M.P., Gallagher M. - 2003
Amygdala on motivational modulation of hippocampal long-term potentiation
Almaguer-Melian, W., Martinez-Martì L., Frey J.U., Bergado J.A. - 2003
Basolateral amygdala lesions on operant and Pavlovian conditioning in rats
Blundell, P., Hall G., Killcross S. - 2003
Basolateral amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex on operative learning in rats
Schoenbaum, G., Setlow B., Saddoris M.P., Gallagher M. - 2003
Central amygdala lesions on conditioned vocalization and freezing in rats
Choi, J.-S., Brown T.H. - 2003
Amygdala lesions on conditioned and unconditioned vocalization in rats
Borszcz, G.S., Leaton R.N. - 2003
Amygdala lesions on emotional reactivity, reward association and recognition memory in monkeys
Stefanacci, L., Clark R.E., Zola S.M. - 2003
Orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala lesions on food rewarded Pavlovian conditioning and conditioned taste aversion extinction in rats
Pickens, C.L., Saddoris M.P., Setlow B., Gallagher M., Holland P.C., Schoenbaum G. - 2003
Projections from the periamygdaloid cortex to the amygdala, hippocampus and parahippocampal region in rats
Majak, K., Pitkanen A. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex lesions and spatial memory retrograde amnesia in rats
Glenn, M.J., Nesbitt C., Mumby D.G. - 2003
Dorsal raphe nucleus 5,7-dihydroxytriptamine lesions or local injection of benzodiazepine, 5-HT1A and GABA-A agonists effects on anxiety tests in rats
Sena, L.M., Bueno C., Pobbe R.L.H., Andrade T.G.C.S., Zangrossi H. Jr., Viana M.B. - 2003
Convulsive and rotational asymmetry in unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine and kainic susbtantia nigra-lesioned rats
Henderson, J.M., Watson S.H. - 2003
5,7-DHT lesion of dorsal raphe nucleus on hippocampal serotonin release and anxiety-related behavior in rats
Rex, A., Thomas H., Hortnagl H., Voits M., Fink H. - 2003
Nucleus accumbens stimulation or lesion on T-maze performance after serotonin administration in rats
Van Kuych, K., Demeulemeester H., Feys H., De Weerdt W., Dewil M., Tousseyn T., De Sutter P., Gybels J., Bogaerts K., Dom R., Nuttin B. - 2003