Hippocampal stimulation on passive avoidance responding in rats
Livesey, P.J., Bell J.A., Manyam V. - 1984
Medial forebrain bundle self-stimulation in rats
Katz, R.J., Wagner J.A. - 1984
Hypothalamic stimulation as unconditioned stimulus in rats
Schmitt, P., Karli P. - 1984
Hypothalamic stimulation and emotional stress in rats
Vagin, Yu.E., Koplik E.V., Veydaev D.F. - 1984
Post-training hippocampal or amygdalar stimulation on passive avoidance in rats
Kesner, R.P., Hardy J.D. - 1983
Afferent input from amygdala to dorsomedial thalamus in rats
Sidorov, B.M., Podachin V.P. - 1983
Naloxone attenuates amnesia caused by amygdaloid stimulation in rats
Liang, K.C., Messing R.B., McGaugh J.L. - 1983
Amygdala single unit activity to buffer nerves stimulation in cats
Cechetto, D.F., Calaresu F.R. - 1983
Vasopressin and amnesia induced by electroconvulsive shock in humans
Partap, M., Jos C.J., Dye C.J. - 1983
Nucleus accumbens lesions or stimulation on operant and classical conditioning in cats
Wilson, W.J. - 1983
Hippocampal lesions on spontaneous and conditioned behavior - Review
Chozick, B.S. - 1983
Theta blocking septal stimulation on operant conditioning extinction in rats
Holt, L., Gray J.A. - 1983
Post-training medial septal stimulation on appetitive operant conditioning in mice
Galey, D., Jeantet Y., Destrade C., Jaffard R. - 1983
Electrode for chronic brain stimulation studies in freely moving rats - Technique
Van der Poel, A.M., Van der Hoef H., Meelis W., Vletter G., Mos J., Kruk M.R. - 1983
Noise on acquisition and retention in humans
Krysa, I. - 1983
D-amphetamine, bupropion and pipradrol on lateral hypothalamus self-stimulation in rats
Liebman, J.M., Gerhardt S., Prowse J. - 1982
Clonidine, clozapine, haloperidol, metaclopramide and prazosin on lateral hypothalamus self-stimulation in rats
Liebman, J.M., Hall N., Prowse J. - 1982
Amygdala and hippocampus stimulation and memory processing in rats
Cross, J.D., Goodman I.J. - 1982
Mecanographic method for motor activity recording - Technique
Johnels, B., Steg G. - 1982
Lateral hypothalamic and locus coeruleus stimulation on operant conditioning acquisition and extinction in rats
Velley, L., Cardo B. - 1982
Adrenergic antagonists on Y-maze avoidance impairment by amygdala stimulation in rats
Sternberg, D.B., Gold P.E. - 1981
Amygdala and hippocampus stimulation on effect of reminder cue in rat's passive avoidance
Baker, L.J., Kesner R.P., Michal R.E. - 1981
Lateral hypothalamus stimulation on aversive and appetitive reinforced light-dark discrimination in rats
Velley, L., Chassaing J.M., Cardo B. - 1981
Eating and drinking evoked by electrical stimulation of hypothalamus in rats
Mittleman, G., Valenstein E.S. - 1981
Pre-test hippocampal stimulation on operant conditioning in mice
Jaffard, R., Galey D. - 1980
Limbic structure stimulation on operant aversive conditioning generalization in dogs
Grigoryan, G.A. - 1980
Circadian effects on ECS, physostigmine and scopolamine on active avoidance in rats
Gammon, W.D., Thomas R.K. - 1980
Periaqueductal gray substance and passive avoidance in rats
Kesner, R.P., Calder L.D. - 1980
Mesencephalic reticular formation stimulation on spatial memory retrieval in rats
Sara, S.J., Deweer B., Hars B. - 1980
Light-dark circadian rhythms and hypothalamic self-stimulation in rats
Terman, J.S., Terman M. - 1980