Brattleboro rats stalk median eminence extracts
Gillies, G., Lowry P.J. - 1980
Neurochemistry of learning and memory - Review
Dunn, A.J. - 1980
ACTH analogs, pituitary-adrenal axis and avoidance - Review
Endroczi, E. - 1980
Neurotransmitters and neuromodulation of peptides - Review
Hokfelt, T., Johansson O., Ljungdahl A., Lundberg J.M., Schultzberg M. - 1980
Hypophysectomy, thyroidectomy, castration and adrenalectomy on circadian feeding and drinking in rats
Bellinger, L.Y., Williams F.E., Bernardis L.L. - 1979
ACTH and grooming in rats
Wiegant, V.M., Jolles J., Colbern D.L., Zimmerman E., Gispen W.H. - 1979
ACTH on memory retention in rats
Sands, S.F., Wright A.A. - 1979
ACTH levels and circadian rhythms in rats
Szafarczyk, A., Ixart G., Malaval F., Nouguier-Soulé J., Assenmacher I. - 1979
ACTH and grooming in rats
Dunn, A.J., Green E.J., Isaacson R.L. - 1979
ACTH on grooming and emotional responses in rats
Jolles, J., Rompa-Barendregt J., Gispen W.H. - 1979
Pituitary-adrenal axis and avoidance - Review
Brush, F.R., Fraley S.M. - 1979
ACTH and vasopressin on aggressive behavior in mice
Roche, K.E., Leshner A.I. - 1979
ACTH-like peptides and animal behavior - Review
Bohus, B. - 1979
ACTH4-9 on avoidance extinction in rats
Martinez, J.L., Vasquez B.J., Jensen R.A., Soumireu-Mourat B., McGaugh J.L. - 1979
ACTH4-10 on memory and attention in humans
Ward, M.M., Sandman C.A., George J.M., Shulman H. - 1979
Vasopressin modulation of corticotropin releasing factor in rats
Gillies, G., Lowry P. - 1979
Brain serotonin depletion on circadian locomotor activity and plasma ACTH/corticosterone in rats
Honma, K.I., Watanabe K., Hiroshige T. - 1979
ACTH4-10, amygdala and avoidance in rats
Van Wimersma Greidanus, T. B., Croiset G., Bakker E., Bouman H. - 1979
ACTH and grooming in rats
Isaacson, R.L., Green E.J. - 1978
ACTH4-10 and passive avoidance in Brattleboro rats
Bailey, W.H., Weiss J.M. - 1978
Brain ACTH and norepinephrine on memory - Review
Gold, P.E., McGaugh J.L. - 1977
ACTH release and passive avoidance in rats
Van Wimersma Greidanus, T.B., Rees L.H., Scott A.P., Lowry P.J., De Wied D. - 1977
ACTH, melanocyte stimulating hormone and endorphins on avoidance and grooming - Review
DeWied , D. - 1977
ACTH4-10 on exploratory activity and avoidance - Review
Endroczi, E. - 1977
ACTH analogs ane central nervous system oppioids - Review
Gispen, W.H., Reith M.E.A., Schotman P., Wiegant V.M., Zwiers H., De Wied D. - 1977
ACTH analogs, corticosterone and memory extinction - Review
Gray, J.A., Garrud P. - 1977
ACTH on memory extinction in rats
Gold, P.E., Van Buskirk R. - 1976
ACTH and corticosterone on exploratory activity and passive avoidance in rats
Endroczi, E. - 1976
ACTH4-9/ACTH4-10 on retrograde amnesia by CO2 in rats
Rigter, H., Janssens-Elbertse R., Van Riezen H. - 1976
ACTH4-10 and behavior - Review
Barbeau, A., Gonce M., Kastin A.J. - 1976