Neural cell adhesion molecule and vertebrate neural neuronal development
Sunshine, J., Balak K., Rutishauser U., Jacobson M. - 1987
3H-fucose incorporation in rat hippocampus after long-term potentiation
Pohle, W., Acosta L., Ruthrich H., Krug M., Matthies H. - 1987
Fucosylation of brain proteins following training in day-old chicks: effects of cycloheximide
McCabe, N., Rose S.P.R. - 1987
Neural cell adhesion molecule biosynthesis and membrane association
He, H.-T., Ginne J., Goridis C. - 1987
Membrane contact on choline acetyltransferase and substance P in rats
Adler, J.E., Black I.B. - 1986
Glycoprotein fucosylation in rat hippocampus and passive avoidance response memory
Jork, R., Grecksch G., Matthies H. - 1986
Neuronal cell, cell ahdesion and neural cell adhesion molecule
Cole, G.J., Loewy A., Glaser L. - 1986
Membrane glycoproteins on nerve growth in rats
Greenberger, L.M., Pfenninger K.H. - 1986
Tyrosine hydroxylase on cell-cell contact
Saadat, S., Thoenen H. - 1986
Endoneuraminidase interferes with neural cell adhesion molecule in cell adhesion process
Rutishauser, U., Watanabe M., Silver J., Troy F.A., Vimr E.R. - 1985
Fucose incorporation in chick brain and memory storage
Rose, S.P.R., Harding S. - 1984
Biosynthesis of the D2-vell adhesion molecule in rats
Lyles, J.M., Linnemann D., Bock E. - 1984
Neural cell adhesion molecule in chick visual system
Schlosshauer, B., Schwarz U., Rutishauser U. - 1984
Glycoprotein processing
Schwarz, R.T., Datema R. - 1984
Fucokinase and fucosyltransferase in rat hippocampus after active avoidance
Popov, N., Schmidt S., Schulzeck S., Jork R., Lossner B., Matthies H. - 1983
Oligosaccharide processing and lysosomal enzyme phosphorylation in mammals
Goldberg, D.E., Kornfeld S. - 1983
Apomorphine into hippocampus and glycoprotein synthesis during active avoidance consolidation in rats
Jork, R., Grecksch G., Matthies H. - 1982
Carbohydrate structures of neural cell adhesion molecule in adult and embryonic chicken brain
Rothbard, J.B., Brackenbury R., Cunningham B.A., Edelman G.M. - 1982
Hippocampal glycoprotein metabolism and dopamine in rats
Jork, R., Schmidt S., Schulzeck S., Lossner B., Popov N., Matthies H. - 1982
Structure biosynthesis and functions of glycoproetin glycans - Review
Berger, E.G., Buddecke E., Kamerling J.P., Kobata A., Paulson J.C., Vliegenthart J.F.G. - 1982
Glycoproteic nature of opiate receptors
Gioannini, T., Foucaud B., Hiller J.M., Hatten M.E., Simon E.J. - 1982
L-fucose incorporation into proteins of hippocampus and striatum and dopamine of rats
Lossner, B., Jork R., Matthies H. - 1981
Neurochemistry of learning and memory - Review
Dunn, A.J. - 1980
Fucose incorporation into the hippocampus after avoidance training in rats
Popov, N., Schulzeck S., Pohle W., Matthies H. - 1980
Increased incorporation of [3H]fucose after passive avoidance in chicks
Burgoyne, R.D., Rose S.P.R. - 1980
L-fucose on brain proteinh metabolism and avoidance in rats
Wetzel, W., Popov N., Lossner B., Schulzeck S., Honza R., Matthies H. - 1980
2-deoxygalactose and glycoproteins fucosylation in rats
Buchsel, R., Hassels-Vischer B., Tauber R., Reutter W. - 1980
Glycoprotein NANA on open field activity and Y-maze learning in rats
Morgan, B.L.G., Winick M. - 1979
Glycoprotein fucosylation and passive avoidance in rats
Morgan, D.G., Routtenberg A. - 1979