Amygdaloid stimulation and startle reflex in rats
Rosen, J.B., Davis M. - 1990
Long-term potentiation in the amygdala by medial geniculate nucleus stimulation in rats
Clugnet, M.C., LeDoux J.E. - 1990
Evoked responses in amygdala and striatum by medial geniculate nucleus stimulation in rats
Clugnet, M.C., LeDoux J.E., Morrison S.F. - 1990
Self-stimulation and stimulus tracking paradigm in rats
Fountain, S.B. - 1990
Aversion induced by electrical stimulation of mesencephalic locomotor region in the rat
Depoortere, R., Sandner G., Di Scala G. - 1990
Interemispheric asymmetry of positive emotional reactions in rats: spreading depression study
Bianki, V.L., Murik S.E., Filippova E.B. - 1989
Attack and grooming behavior by hypothalamic stimulation in rats
Lammers, J.H.C.M., van der Noordaa J., Kruk M.R., Meelis W., van der Poel G.M. - 1989
Long-term potentiation and cellular mechanisms of memory - Review
Matthies, H. - 1989
Associative long-term depression in the hippocampus of rodents
Stanton, P.K., Sejnowski T.J. - 1989
Septal and amygdaloid stimulation on dorsomedial thalamus in rats
Sidorov, B.M., Podachin V.P. - 1988
Antero-dorsal and postero-ventral hippocampus on behavior in mice
Roman, F., Soumireu-Mourat B. - 1988
Response suppression by stimulation of septal area in rats
Wilcott, R.C. - 1988
Central amygdaloid nucleus stimulation and conditioned emtoional response in rats
Iwata, J., Chida K., Le Doux J.E. - 1987
Reminder by background stimuli and stimulation of mesencephalic reticular formation in rats
Dekeyne, A., Deweer B., Sara S.J. - 1987
Inescapable shock on nucleus accumbens self-stimulation in mice
Zacharko, R.M., Lalonde G.T., Kasian M., Anisman H. - 1987
Freezing in Wistar and Long Evans rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A. - 1987
Hypothalamus and amygdala stimulation on movements in rats
Hernandez-Mesa, N., Aneiros-Riba R., Arza M., Elosegui H., Macias R. - 1986
Midbrain GABAergic and serotonergic modulation - Review
Graeff, F.G., Brandao M.L., Audi E.A., Schutz M.T.B. - 1986
Hippocampal kindling on spatial memory in rats
Da Silva, F.A.L., Gorter J.A., Wadman W.J. - 1986
Rat strain differences in hippocampal self-stimulation
Robertson, A., Campbell C., Milner P.M., Laferriere A. - 1986
Alcohol on hypothalamic conditioned self-stimulation in rats
De Witte, P.H., Gewiss M. - 1986
Olfactory bulb microstimulation and perceptive properties in the rat
Mouly, A.M., Holley A. - 1986
Amygdala stimulation on passive avoidance consolidation and brain catecholamine levels in mice
Welsh, K.A., Gold P.E. - 1985
Amygdala neurons firng and forced immobilization in rats: chlordiozepoxide effects
Henke, P.G. - 1985
Olfactory bulb microstimulations and perceptive properties in rats
Mouly, A.M., Vigouroux M., Holley A. - 1985
Anterograde amnesia induced by elecxtroconvulsive shock and hippocampal and entorhinal role in rats
Perez-Saad, H., Valouskova V., Bures J. - 1984
Somatostatin on electroconvulsive shock-induced amnesia in rats
Vecsei, L., Bollock I., Varga J., Penke B., Teledgy G. - 1984
Electroconvulsive shock on locomotion and exploration in rats
File, S.E., Green A.R. - 1984
REM sleep deprivation on response to stress, exploratory activity and hypothalamic self-stimulation in rats
Kovalzon, V.M., Tsibulsky V.L. - 1984
Hippocampal lesions or stimulation on active avoidance in cats
Gralewicz, K., Gralewicz S. - 1984