NMDA and non-NMDA receptors into the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus in rats
Gean, P.W., Chang F.C. - 1992
Passive avoidance impairment by post-training NMDA antagonists injections into the amygdala, hippocampus and entorhinal cortex in rats
Jerusalinsky, D., Ferreira M.B.C., Walz R., Da Silva R.C., Bianchin M., Ruschel A.C., Zanatta M.S., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 1992
NMDA antagonist into the amygdala on passive avoidance in rats
Kim, M., McGaugh J.L. - 1992
Extinction of fear-potentiated startle and NMDA antagonist into the amygdala of rats
Falls, W.A., Miserendino M.J.D., Davis M. - 1992
Intra-amygdala AP5 on fear potentiated startle in rats
Campeau, S., Miserendino M.J.D., Davis M. - 1992
NMDA antagonist into the perirhinal cortex and amygdala kindling in rats
Holmes, K.H., Bilkey D.K., Laverty R. - 1992
NMDA antagonists protective action on working memory impairment induced by ischemia in rats
Ohno, M., Yamamoto T., Ueki S., Watanabe S. - 1992
Entorhinal cortex in passive avoidance in rats: NMDA and GABAergic receptors
Ferreira, M.B.C., Da Silva R.C., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 1992
NMDA antagonist on fear conditioning in rats
Kim, J.J., Fanselow M.S., DeCola J.P., Landeira-Fernandez J. - 1992
NMDA antagonist AP5 intraventricular infusion on radial arm maze performance in rats
Bolhuis, J.J., Reid I.C. - 1992
Sigma agents, glycine and NMDA antagonists on spatial working memory in rats
Clissold, D.B., Karbon E.W., Ferkany J.W., Hartman T., Pontecorvo M.J. - 1992
NMDA antagonists make learning and recall state-dependent in rats
Jackson, A., Koek W., Colpaert F.C. - 1992
Ketamine on induction of long-term potentiation in entorhinal cortex of the rat
Zhang, D.X., Levy W.B. - 1992
Hippocampal dynamics and learning - Review
Grossberg, S., Merrill J.W.L. - 1992
Long-term potentiation, NMDA and hippocampus
Huang, Y.Y., Colino A., Selig D.K., Malenka R.C. - 1992
Excitatory aminoacids and memory - Review
Advokat, C., Pellegrin A.I. - 1992
Pharmacological approaches to learning and memory - Commentary
Sanger, D., Emmett-Oglesby M., Willner P. - 1992
NMDA antagonists cerebroventricular administration on active avoidance in mice
Mathis, C., de Barry J., Ungerer A. - 1991
NMDA antagonist on fear conditionin gin rats
Kim, J.J, DeCola J.P., Landeira-Fernandez J., Fanselow M.S. - 1991
NMDA antagonists, haloperidol and scopolamine on non-spatial operant task in the rat
Clissold, D.B., Ferkany J.W., Pontecorvo M.J. - 1991
Hippocampal synaptic plasticity in memory of rats: NMDA and long-term potentiation study
Morris, R.G.M. - 1991
NMDA and non-NMDA glutamate antagonists on concept spatial task in rats
Lalonde, R., Joyal C.C. - 1991
NMDA receptors and hippocampal neuronal plasticity - Commentary
Thiels, E. - 1991
Flunarizine protection on neuronal cell death - Review
Pauwels, P.J., Leysen J.E., Janssen P.A.J. - 1991
NMDA receptors and chick imprinting
McCabe, B.J., Horn G. - 1991
Acquisition and expression of conditioned fear-potentiated startle by NMDA antagonist in amygdala in rats
Miserendino, M.J.D., Sananes C.B., Mella K.R., Davis M. - 1990
NMDA receptors on avoidance and exploration in rats
Vecsei, L., Beal M.F. - 1990
Ketamine on NMDA receptors in rats: long-term habituation spatial and emotional components
Gironi Carnevale, U.A., Vitullo E., Sadile A.G. - 1990
NMDA antagonist on spatial memory in rats
McLamb, R.L., Williams L.R., Nanry K.P., Wilson W.A., Tilson H.A. - 1990
NMDA lesions of nucleus basalis of Meynert, frontal cortex and lateral ventricle infusion on passive avoidance in rats
Santucci, A.C., Kanof P.D., Haroutunian V. - 1989