Unilateral neonatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia on lateralized memory deficit in avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Arteni, N.S., Salgueiro J., Torres I., Achaval M., Netto C.A. - 2003
Short, intermediate and long-term avoidance memory in chick: hemispheric lateralization
Gibbs, M.E., Andrew R.J., Ng K.T. - 2003
Corticosterone and social memory in rats: neonatal novelty exposure and right-left preference
Tang, A.C., Reeb B.C., Romeo R.D., McEwen B.S. - 2003
Lateralized nitric oxide inhibition on passive avoidance in day-oled chick
Rickard, N.S., Gibbs M.E. - 2003
Hemispheric dissociation of nitric oxide synthase involvement in passive avoidance of chicks
Rickard, N.S., Gibbs M.E. - 2003
Convulsive and rotational asymmetry in unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine and kainic susbtantia nigra-lesioned rats
Henderson, J.M., Watson S.H. - 2003
Sex differences and emotional memory in humans
Canli, T., Desmond J.E., Zhao Z., Gabrieli J.D.E. - 2002
Hemispheric asymmetry in visual discrimination and memory in humans
Reinvang, I., Magnussen S., Greenlee M.W. - 2002
Hippocampal-prefrontal cortical circuits in radial maze; PKA and dopamine antagonists in rats
Aujla, H., Beninger R.J. - 2001
Amygdala activity during emotion in humans: sex-related laterality
Cahill, L., Haier R.J., White N.S., Fallon J., Kilpatrick L., Lawrence C., Potkin S.G., Alkire M.T. - 2001
Left and right hippocampus in pigeon's spatial navigation
Gagliardo, A., Ioalè P., Odetti F., Bingman V.P., Siegel J.J., Vallortigara G. - 2001
Landmark information in left and right hemispheres of chick brain
Tommasi, L., Vallortigara G. - 2001
Unilateral striatal dopamine depletion on exploration and cortical function in the rat
Steiner, H., Kitai S.T. - 2001
Nucleus accumbens and basolateral amygdala lesions ipsi- or contralateral on glucocorticoid modulation of passive avoidance consolidation in rats
Setlow, B., Roozendaal B., McGaugh J.L. - 2000
Lateralized fascia dentata lesions and unilateral hippocampal blockade on spatial memory in rats
Czeh, B., Seress L., Nadel L., Bures J. - 1998
Callosal window bteween prefrontal cortices: retrieval in monkeys
Hasegawa, I., Fukushima T., Ihara T., Miyashita Y. - 1998
Right-hemispheric superiority in split-brain monkeys
Vermeire, B.A., Hamilton C.R., Erdmann A.L. - 1998
Systemic dopaminergic antagonists on rotational behavior in rats with unilateral lesions of substantia nigra or globus pallidus
Konitsiotis, S., Kafetzopoulos E., Anastasopoulos D., Blanchet P.J. - 1998
Unilateral inactivation of amygdala on passive avoidance in rats
Coleman-Mesches, K., West M.A., McGaugh J.L. - 1997
Intracarotid amytal and memory consolidation in humans
Gleissner, U., Helmstaedter C., Kurthen M., Elger C.E. - 1997
Place navigation during occlusion of one eye and ipsi- or contralateral blockade of hippocampus or visual cortex in rats
Turner, L.F., Liu Z., Bures J. - 1997
Asymmetrical lesions of olfactory-thalamo-cortical system and odor reversal learning in rats
McBride, S.A., Slotnick B. - 1997
Unilateral amygdala inactivation on memory in rats
Coleman-Mesches, K., Salinas J.A., McGaugh J.L. - 1996
Gustatory cortex, amygdala and parabrachial nucleus in conditioned taste aversion in rats
Bielavska, E., Roldan G. - 1996
Varieties of interhemispheric inhibition - Review
Chiarello, C., Maxfield L. - 1996
Behavioral laterality in T-maze, stress and habituation in rats
Santin, L.J., Begega A., Rubio S., Arias J.L. - 1996
Interhippocampal synthesis of lateralized place navigation engrams in rats
Fenton, A.A., Arolfo M.P., Nerad L., Bures J. - 1995
Muscimol into right or left amygdala on retrieval of passive avoidance in rats
Coleman-Mesches, K., McGaugh J.L. - 1995
Right and left amydalae inactivation on passive avoidance in rats
Coleman-Mesches, K., McGaugh J.L. - 1995
Right and left amygdala inactivation on passive avoidance in rats
Coleman-Mesches, K., McGaugh J.L. - 1995