Long-term potentiation-memory connection
Eichenbaum, H. - 1995
NMDA and cholinergic activity on memory in rats
Popik, P., Nalepa I., Mamczarz J., Vetulani J. - 1994
Rodent model of memory dysfunction
Ingram, D.K., Spangler E.L., Iijima S., Ikari H., Kuo H., Greig N.H., London E.D. - 1994
NMDA receptor antagonists on septal GABA and hippocampal acetylcholine ouflow in rats
Giovannini, M.G., Mutolo D., Bianchi L., Michelassi A., Pepeu G. - 1994
NMDA antagonist into basolateral amygdala on freezing in rats
Fanselow, M.S., Kim J.J. - 1994
NMDA antagonist into the amygdala on passive avoidance in rats
Liang, K.C., Hon W., Davis M. - 1994
NMDA antagonist in nucleus accumbens in rats
Maldonado-Irizarry, C.S., Kelley A.E. - 1994
NMDA agonist into the striatum and locomotor activity in rats
Black, M.D., Crossman A.R., Hayes A.G., Elliott P.J. - 1994
NMDA and hippocampus in contextual fear conditionin gin rats: effect of context pre-exposure
Young, S.L., Bohenek D.L., Fanselow M.S. - 1994
Intracerebroventricular NMDA antagonist on conditioned fear in rats: freezing response
Fanselow, M.S., Kim J.J., Yipp J., De Oca B. - 1994
NMDA antagonist on spatial memory in rats
Caramanos, Z., Shapiro M.L. - 1994
NMDA antagonist on meso-prefrontal cortical dopamine during conditioned fear in rats
Goldstein, L.E., Rasmusson A.M., Bunney B.S., Roth R.H. - 1994
Glutamatergic treatment and age-related memory disorders - Review
Muller, W.E., Scheuer K., Stoll S. - 1994
Non-NMDA and NMDA glutamate receptors on memory consolidation in day-old chicks
Rickard, N.S., Poot A.C., Gibbs M.E., Ng K.T. - 1994
Glutamatergic drugs in Parkinson disease - Review
Lange, K.W., Riederer P. - 1994
Ketamine prevents electroconvulsive seizures-induced enhancement in rat hippocampus
Stewart, C.A., Reid I.C. - 1994
Long-term potentiation: a question of reliability - Review
Collingridge, G.L. - 1994
AMPA receptors in long-term potentiation and memory
Service, R.F. - 1994
Acetylcholine and memory - Review
Hasselmo, M.E., Bower J.M. - 1993
Selective excitotoxic pathology in rat hippocampus
Jarrard, L.E., Meldrum B.S. - 1993
Ketamine and L-glutamic antagonists on spatial and non-spatial learning in rats
Lalonde, R., Joyal C.C. - 1993
NMDA antagonist phencyclidine on radial maze performance in rats
Kesner, R.P., Dakis M. - 1993
Acetyl-L-carnitine, differences of age, NMDA receptors, spatial learning in rats
Davis, S., Markowska A.L., Wenk G.L., Barnes C.A. - 1993
D-cycloserine attenuates scopolamine-induced deficit in T-maze of rats
Fishkin, R.J., Ince E.S., Carlezon W.A. Jr., Dunn R.W. - 1993
Long-term potentiation in limbic system: neurotransmitters study
Izquierdo, I., Medina J.H., Bianchin M., Walz R., Zanatta M.S., Da Silva R.C., Silva M.B.E., Ruschel A.C., Paczko N. - 1993
Glutamate in learning, memory and aging
McEntee, W.J., Crook T.H. - 1993
NMDA receptors in information processing - Review
Daw, N.W., Stein P.S.G., Fox K. - 1993
Long-term potentiation in hippocampus: a synaptic model of memory - Review
Bliss, T.V.P., Collingridge G.L. - 1993
Synchronization of cortical activity and learning - Review
Singer, W. - 1993
NMDA, GABA, norepinephrine, acetylcholine receptors involved in post-training memory processing into amygdala, medial septum and hippocampus of the rat
Izquierdo, I., Da Cunha C., Rosat R., Jerusalinsky D., Ferreira M.B.C., Medina J.H. - 1992