D-cycloserine NMDA agonbist on avoidance in day-old chicks
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Anterior and posterior visual cortex lesions on conditioned taste aversion and spatial learning in rats
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NMDA and muscarinic antagonists on water maze acquisition in rats: non-spatial pretraining effects
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Hippocampal glutamate and NMDA receptor blockade on working memory
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T-maze learning deficit induced by quinolinic acid infusion in rats: protection by NMDA antagonists
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APV and CNQX on water maze acquisition in rats
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Long-term potentiation in perirhinal-hippocampal pathways and NMDA dependence in rats
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Experience and synaptic plasticity in visual cortex of the rat
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Stress on hippocampal plasticity, long-term potentiation and NMDA in rats
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Glutamate receptors, protein kinase and protein synthesis in memory of young chicks
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Calcium ion impedes translation initiation at the synapse
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Conditioned taste aversion and ketamine subhipnotic dosage3 in rats
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NMDA agonist on recognition memory in monkeys
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NMDA antagonist into basolateral amygdala on taste potentiated odor conditioning in rats
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Kainic acid and NMDA injection on exploratory activity of rats
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MK-801 into the nucleus accumbens and caudate-putamen on locomotion and grooming in rats
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NMDA receptor and dopaminergic system in passive avoidance in mice
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Glutamate antagonists in multi- and single-trial dark avoidance in rats
Misztal, M., Danysz W. - 1995
Metabotropic glutamate receptors in spatial and non-spatial learning in rats
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NMDA antagonist into hippocampus on short- and long-term memory of spatial learning in rats
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NMDA antagonist into hippocampus on spatial learning in rats
Saucier, D., Cain D.P. - 1995
NMDA antagonist AP5 on spatial learning in rats
Bannerman, D.M., Good M.A., Butcher S.P., Ramsay M., Morris R.G.M. - 1995
NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in nucleus accumbens on spatial learning in rats
Maldonado-Irizarry, C.S., Kelley A.E. - 1995
D-cycloserine and MK-801 on spatial learning in rats
Pitkanen, M., Sirvio J., MacDonald E., Niemi S., Ekonsalo T., Riekkinen P. Sr. - 1995
Ketamine on acquisition of lever-press response in rats
Pallares, M.A., Nadal R.A., Silvestre J.S., Ferré N.S. - 1995
Partial blocking of NMDA receptors restricts plastic changes in mouse barrel cortex
Jablonska, B., Gierdalski M., Skangiel-Kramska J., Kossut M. - 1995
NMDA and dopamine receptors and c-fos and junB induction in striatum following morphine administration - Review
Sharp, F.R., Liu J., Nickolenko J., Bontempi B. - 1995
AMPA receptors and long-term memory in day-old chicks
Steele, R.J., Stewart M.G. - 1995
Subcortical modulation of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus of mice
Haas, H.L., Sergueeva O.A., Vorobjev V.S., Sharonova I.N. - 1995
Long-term potentiation and NMDA receptors: memory - Review
Rison, R.A., Stanton P.K. - 1995