Cortical event-related potentials in encoding and retrieval of humans
Guo, C., Duan L., Li W., Paller K.A. - 2006
Cortical oscillatory activity during auditory working memory in humans
Leiberg, S., Lutzenberger W., Kaiser J. - 2006
NMDA antagonist on spatial navigation in uni- and bi-lateral cerebelar lesioned rats
Federico, F., Leggio M.G., Neri P., Mandolesi L., Petrosini L. - 2006
Posterior parahippocampal gyrus lesions on spatial navigation of humans
Weniger, G., Irle E. - 2006
Brain activation during mirror reading in humans
Mochizuki-Kawai, H., Tsukiura T., Mochizuki S., Kawamura M. - 2006
Cortical event-related potentials during retrieval in humans
Vilberg, K.L., Moosavi R.F., Rugg M.D. - 2006
Human encoding: an fMRI study
Uncapher, M.R., Otten L.J., Rugg M.D. - 2006
Cortical activity and chronic pain in humans
Baliki, M.N., Chialvo D.R., Geha P.Y., Levy R.M., Harden R.N., Parrish T.B., Apkarian A.V. - 2006
Brain imaging and reaction time in humans
Jahanshahi, M., Jones C.R.G., Dirnberger G., Frith C.D. - 2006
Predator stress on exploration and CREB expression in amygdala, periaqueductal gray and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in rats
Blundell, J., Adamec R. - 2006
Recognition memory in humans
Ishai, A., Yago E. - 2006
Emotion and auditory motor interaction of humans
Warren, J.E., Sauter D.A., Eisner F., Wiland J., Dresner M.A., Wise R.J.S., Rosen S., Scott S.K. - 2006
Left inferior frontal gyrus on verbal working memory in humans
Feredoes, E., Tononi G., Postle B.R. - 2006
Cortical activation and working memory in humans
Hampson, M., Driesen N.R., Skudlarski P., Gore J.C., Constable R.T. - 2006
Brain imaging and memory processing in humans - Review
Krause, B.J., Hautzel H., Schmidt D., Fluβ M.O., Poeppel T.D., Muller H.-W., Halsband U., Mottaghy F.M. - 2006
Brain activation during reading in humans
Mo, L., Liu H.-L., Jin H., Ng Y.-B., Lin C. - 2006
Brain activity and recollection, familiarity and novelty in humans
Daselaar, S.M., Fleck M.S., Cabeza R. - 2006
Water maze to test daily detection enhancing in rodents - Technique
Choi, S.H., Woodlee M.T., Hong J.J., Schallert T. - 2006
Lateralization of fear conditioning in rat's amygdala
Blair, H.T., Huynh V.K., Vaz V.T., Van J., Patel R.R., Hiteshi A.K., Lee J.E., Tarpley J.W. - 2005
Pontine stimulation as CS in rat's eyeblink conditioning
Freeman, J.H. Jr., Rabinak C.A., Campolattaro M.M. - 2005
Attention and choloine transporters in the right medial prefrontal cortex of rats
Apparsundaram, S., Martinez V., Parikh V., Kozak R., Sarter M. - 2005
Saporin nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on visual discrimination task in monkeys
Ridley, R.M., Baker H.F., Leow-Dyke A., Cummings R.M. - 2005
Nitric oxide synthase inhibition and nicotine on laterality and sex differences in rat's Morris water maze performance
Kanit, L., Koylu E.O., Erdogan O., Pogun S. - 2005
Lateralization of norepinephrine, muscarinic and dopamine basolateral amygdala role in rat's passive avoidance
LaLumiere, R.T., McGaugh J.L. - 2005
Asymmetrical activation in the human brain during processing of fearful faces
Noesselt, T., Driver J., Heinze H.-J., Dolan R. - 2005
Calling for help in monkeys
Fox, A.S., Oakes T.R., Shelton S.E., Converse A.K., Davidson R.J., Kalin N.H. - 2005
Anxiolytic and anxiogenic effects of kindling in right or left basolateral amygdala of rats
Adamec, R., Shallow T., Burton P. - 2005
Zif268 expression following exposure to a predator in rats
Rosen, J.B., Adamec R.E., Thompson B.L. - 2005
Brain activity during fear conditioning in humans
Glascher, J., Buchel C. - 2005
Amygdala-kindled seizures to ipsi- and contralateral hippocampus of rats
Hewapathirane, D.S., McIntyre Burnham D. - 2005