Synaptic basis of memory storage in the cortex
Bear, M.F. - 1996
α-calcium calmodulin kinase II, CREB, long-term potentiation and memory - Review
Silva, A.J., Fedorov N., Kogan J., Frankland P., Coblentz J., Lundsten R., Friedman E., Smith A., Cho Y., Giese K.P. - 1996
Retrograde messengers, long-term potentiation and memory - Review
Medina, J.H., Izquierdo I. - 1995
Basolateral amygdala stimulation and long-term potentiation in dentate gyrus in rats
Ikegaya, Y., Saito H., Abe K. - 1995
Basolateral amygdala and long-term potentiation in dentate gyrus in rats
Ikegaya, Y., Saito H., Abe K. - 1995
Auditory evoked responses and long-term potentiation in fear situation in the rat
Rogan, M.T., LeDoux J.E. - 1995
Long-term potentiation in lateral septum and shuttle box performance in rats
Urban, I.J.A., Ontskul A., Croiset G., Cheng Y., de Wied D. - 1995
Calcium binding protein S100β, synaptic plasticity and spatial learning in mice
Gerlai, R., Wojtowicz J.M., Marks A., Roder J. - 1995
Long-term potentiation, glutamate release, hippocampus and spatial learning in rats
Richter-Levin, G., Canevari L., Bliss T.V.P. - 1995
NMDA antagonist into hippocampus on spatial learning in rats
Saucier, D., Cain D.P. - 1995
Hippocampal field potentials and spatial learning - Review
Moser, E.I. - 1995
Spatial and contextual memory in calcium calmodulin kinase II mutante mice: hippocampal long-term potentiation
Bach, M.E., Hawkins R.D., Osman M., Kandel E.R., Mayford M. - 1995
Protein kinase A mutant mice on spatial learning and freezing in mice
Huang, Y-Y., Kandel E.R., Varshavsky L., Brandon E.P., Qi M., Idzerda R.L., McKnight G.S., Bourtchouladze R. - 1995
Serotonin antagonist on hippocampal theta, memory and long-term potentiation in rats
Staubli, U., Xu F.B. - 1995
Conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus pairing and potentiation and depression of synaptic efficacy in the dentate gyrus of rats
Doyere, V., Redini-Del Negro C., Dutrieux G., LeFloch G., Davis S., Laroche S. - 1995
Invertebrate learning - Review
Krasne, F.B., Glanzman D.L. - 1995
Hippocampal long-term potentiation, GABA and glutamate receptors activation in rats
Whittington, M.A., Traub R.D., Jefferys H.G.R. - 1995
Gangliosides in bio-signaling - Review
Nagai, Y. - 1995
Subcortical modulation of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus of mice
Haas, H.L., Sergueeva O.A., Vorobjev V.S., Sharonova I.N. - 1995
Long-term potentiation and NMDA receptors: memory - Review
Rison, R.A., Stanton P.K. - 1995
Hippocampal long-term potentiation and ethanol in rats
Givens, B., McMahon K. - 1995
Hippocampal long-term depression and long-term potentiation and calcium calmodulin kinase II in mice
Mayford, M., Wang J., Kandel E.R., O'Dell T.J. - 1995
Growth through learning
Stryker, M.P. - 1995
Plasticity of inhibitory synapses in the brain - Review
Kano, M. - 1995
Neurophysiological analysis of lonbg-term potentiation - Review
Voronin, L., Byzov A., Kleschevnikov A., Kozhemyakin M., Kuhnt U., Volgushev M. - 1995
Long-term potentiation and synaptic protein phosphorylation
Pasinelli, P., Ramakers G.M.J., Urban I.J.A., Hens J.J.H., Oestreicher A.B., de Graan P.N.E., Gispen W.H. - 1995
Learning and memory and long-term synaptic plasticity - Review
Maren, S., Baudry M. - 1995
Pharmacology of long-term potentiation and memory - Review
Izquierdo, I., Medina J.H. - 1995
Long-term potentiation-memory connection
Eichenbaum, H. - 1995
Long-term potentiation in memory - Review
Barnes, C.A. - 1995