Brain acetylcholine and nutrition in rats
Kulkarni, A.B., Gaitonde B.B. - 1982
Pain perception in hypertensive and normotensive rats
Maixner, W., Touw K.B., Brody M.J., Gebhart G.F., Long J.P. - 1982
Cholinergic projections from the basal forebrain to the rat's amygdala
Nagai, T., Kimura H., Maeda T., McGeer P.L., Peng F., McGeer E.G. - 1982
Acetylcholine metabolism in rat's hippocampus and striatum following passive avoidance
Barker, L.A., Glick S.D., Green J.P., Khandelwal J. - 1982
Cholinergic hypothesis of geriatric memory dysfunction - Review
Bartus, R.T., Dean R.L. III, Beer B., Lippa A.S. - 1982
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on acetylcholine cortical output, electrical activity and learning in rats
Lo Conte, G., Casamenti F., Bigi V., Milaneschi E., Pepeu G. - 1982
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on cortical choline uptake in rats
Pedata, F., Lo Conte G., Sorbi S., Marconcini-Pepeu I., Pepeu G. - 1982
Intracerebroventricular agents on grooming and locomotor activity in rats and mice
Meisenberg, G. - 1982
Phisostigmine, apomorphine, scopolamine and mphetamine on radial maze performance in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J. - 1982
Cholinergic system and passive avoidance - Review
Bammer, G. - 1982
REM sleep deprivation on passive avoidance learning in rats: cholinergic and catecholaminergic modulation
Harris, P.F., Overstreet D.H., Orbach J. - 1982
Physostigmine, scopolamine, amphetamine and apomorphine on radial maze test in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J. - 1982
Basolateral amygdala cholinergic projections in rats
Woolf, N.J., Butcher L.L. - 1982
Nucleus accumbens lesions, D-amphetamine and scopolamine on locomotor activity in rats: septal lesion effects
Carey, R.J. - 1982
Haloperidol and chlorpromazine on active avoidance in normal and striatectomized rats
Arushanian, E.B., Baturin V.A. - 1982
Strain differences in Sidman avoidance in rats: cholinergic and adrenergic systems
Kuribara, H. - 1982
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on avoidance and scopolamine actions in rats
Lo Conte, G., Bartolini L., Casamenti F., Marconcini-Pepeu I., Pepeu G. - 1982
Antimuscarinic cholinergic drugs into hippocampus-entorhinal area on passive avoidance in rats
Blozovski, D., Hennocq N. - 1982
Vasopressin analog DDAVP on operant conditioning in pigeons: scopolamine and D-amphetamine effects
Teal, J.J., Evans H.L. - 1982
Carbachol and circadian rhythms in mice
Zatz, M., Herkenham M.A. - 1981
Nucleus accumbens on locomotor activity in rats
Jones, D.L., Mogenson G.J., Wu M. - 1981
Age and cholinergic, GABAergic and adrenergic correlates in radial maze in the rat
Ingram, D.K., London E.D., Goodrick C.L. - 1981
Scopolamine amnesic effects in rats
Moss, D.E., Rogers J.B., Deutsch J.A., Salome R.R. - 1981
Scopolamine on attention and memory processes
Cheal, M.L. - 1981
Atropine into nucleus caudatus post-training injection on passive avoidance in the rat
Prado-Alcalà, R.A., Signoret L., Figueroa M. - 1981
Pre-test hippocampal stimulation on operant conditioning in mice
Jaffard, R., Galey D. - 1980
Neurotransmitters and neuromodulation of peptides - Review
Hokfelt, T., Johansson O., Ljungdahl A., Lundberg J.M., Schultzberg M. - 1980
Turning behavior in animals - Review
Pycock, C.J. - 1980
Circadian effects on ECS, physostigmine and scopolamine on active avoidance in rats
Gammon, W.D., Thomas R.K. - 1980
Cholinergic blockade of anterior and posterior caudate nucleus on avoidance in rats
Prado-Alcalà, R.A., Cruz-Morales S.E., Lopez-Miro F.A. - 1980