Lateral prefrontal cortex and visual object working memory in humans
Yoon, J.H., Hoffman J.N., D'Esposito M. - 2007
Colors and event-related potentials related to recognition memory in humans
Ecker, U.K.H., Zimmer H.D., Groh-Bordin C. - 2007
D4 dopaminergic receptor role in human prefrontal cortex activation
Hermann, M.J., Walter A., Schreppel T., Ehlis A.-C., Pauli P., Lesch K.-P., Fallgatter A.J. - 2007
Neural basis of episodic memory in humans
Hassabis, D., Kumaran D., Maguire E.A. - 2007
Right hemisphere-dependent attention capacity in humans
Hartikainen, K.M., Ogawa K.H., Soltani M., Knight R.T. - 2007
Brain activation and recognition in humans
Greene, A.J., Gross W.L., Eisenberg C.L., Rao S.M. - 2007
Unilateral hippocampal inactivation on spatial disorganization of rats
Olypher, A.V., Klement D., Fenton A.A. - 2006
Unilateral olfactory peduncole inactivation on olfactory bulb and piriform cortex activity in rats
Martin, C., Gervais R., Messaoudi B., Ravel N. - 2006
Asymmetric role of prefrontal cortex in decision making of humans
Knoch, D., Gianotti L.R.R., Pascual-Leone A., Treyer V., Regard M., Hohmann M., Brugger P. - 2006
Lidocaine and tetrodotoxin dorsal hippocampus inactivation: comparative study of brain function and behavioral effects in the rat
Pereira De Vasconcelos, A., Klur S., Muller C., Cosquer B., Lopez J., Certa U., Cassel J.C. - 2006
Hippocampal and prefrontal uni- and bilateral inactivation on spatial working memory in rats
Wang, G.-W., Cai J.-X - 2006
Hippocampus, basolateral amygdala and cingulate cortex on context and footshock components in aversive conditioning of rats
Malin, E.L., McGaugh J.L. - 2006
Unilateral hippocampal lesion effects on brain fos and zif268 post-spatial task expression in rats
Jenkins, T.A., Amin E., Brown M.W., Aggleton J.P. - 2006
Amygdalar, hippocampal and cortical activity during emotional states in humans
Kensinger, E.A., Schacter D.L. - 2006
Hippocampal, perirhinal and parahippocampal cortex activity in recognition memory of humans
Gold, J.J., Smith C.N., Bayley P.J., Shrager Y., Brewer J.B., Stark C.E.L., Hopkins R.O., Squire L.R. - 2006
Brain activation during retrieval in humans
Sterpenich, V., D'Argembeau A., Desseilles M., Balteau E., Albouy G., Vandewalle G., Degueldre C., Luxen A., Collette F., Maquet P. - 2006
Vagus nerve stimulation on spatial memory and amygdala excitability in rats
Dedeurwaerdere, S., Gilby K., Vonck K., Delbeke J., Boon P., McIntyre D. - 2006
Lateralization of startle reflex circuit in humans
Kettle, J.W.L., Andrewes D.G., Allen N.B. - 2006
Brain imaging in emotional learning of humans
Hooker, C.I., Germine L.T., Knight R.T., D'Esposito M. - 2006
Brain activation and emotion in humans
Bleich-Cohen, M., Mintz M., Pianka P., Andelman F., Rotshtein P., Hendler T. - 2006
Prefrontal cortex and amygdala fear-related activity in adolescent humans
Yurgelum-Todd, D.A., Killgore W.D.S. - 2006
Fear and brain activity in humans
Williams, L.M., Das P., Liddell B.J., Kemp A.H., Rennie C.J., Gordon E. - 2006
Amygdala activity in human working memory
Schaefer, A., Braver T.S., Reynolds J.R., Burgess G.C., Yarkoni T., Gray J.R. - 2006
Sex differences of amygdala and hippocampus functions in emotional memory of humans
Mackiewicz, K.L., Sarinopoulos I., Cleven K.L., Nitschke J.B. - 2006
Brain imaging and emotion - Review
Peper, M. - 2006
Fear responses and amygdala activity in humans
Cheng, D.T., Knight D.C., Smith C.N., Helmstetter F.J. - 2006
Functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis in working and long-term memory in normal and amnesic patients
Nichols, E.A., Kao Y.-C., Verfaellie M., Gabrieli J.D.E. - 2006
Unilateral nigro-striatal 6-hydroxidopamine lesions and infero-temporal cortex ablation on monkey's operant conditioning
Ridley, R.M., Cummings R.M., Leow-Dyke A., Baker H.F. - 2006
Dopaminergic neuromodulation in human episodic memory
Schott, B.H., Seidenbecher C.I., Femker D.B., Laurer C.J., Bunzeck N., Berstein H.-G., Tischmeyer W., Gundelfinger E.D., Heinze H.-J., Duzel E. - 2006
Unilateral cortical damage on operant conditioning of rats
Hoff, E.I., Blokland A., Rutten K., Steinbusch H.W.M., van Oostenbrugge R.J. - 2006