Spinal reflex facilitation on motor learning in humans
Michel, J., van Hedel H.J.A., Dietz V. - 2007
Protein kinase C, serotonin and sensorin by long-term facilitation in neurons of Aplysia
Hu, J.-Y., Chen Y., Schacher S. - 2007
Vagus nerve stimulation on hippocampal excitability in rats
Zuo, Y., Smith D.C., Jensen R.A. - 2007
Transducer of regulated CREB activity 1 (TORC1) in hippocampal plasticity of mice
Kovacs, K.A., Steullet P., Steinmann M., Do K.Q., Magistretti P.J., Halfon O., Cardinaux J.-R. - 2007
Vagus nerve stimulation on hippocampal long-term potentiation in rats
Zu, Y., Smith D.C., Jensen R.A. - 2007
Apamin on hippocampal plasticity in mice
Ris, L., Capron B., Sclavons C., Liegeois J.-F., Seutin V., Godaux E. - 2007
Computerized long-term potentiation/long-term depression induction and analysis - Technique
Anderson, W.W., Collingridge G.L. - 2007
Subthalamic nucleus stimulation on emotional and motor performance in humans
Mallet, L., Schupbach M., N'Diaye K., Remy P., Bardinet E., Czernecki V., Welter M.-L., Pelissolo A., Ruberg M., Agid Y., Yelnik J. - 2007
Muscimol into amydaloid nuclei on conditioned and unconditioned freezing in rats
Ruiz Martinez, R.C., Ribeiro de Oliveira A., Brandao M.L. - 2006
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in auditory cortex on active avoidance memorization in gerbils
Wang, H., Wang X., Wetzel W., Scheich H. - 2006
Asymmetric role of prefrontal cortex in decision making of humans
Knoch, D., Gianotti L.R.R., Pascual-Leone A., Treyer V., Regard M., Hohmann M., Brugger P. - 2006
Ventral pallidum lidocaine inactivation on medial forebrain bundle self-stimulation in rats
Waraczynski, M., Demeo C. - 2006
Ventral hippocampus on fear conditioning retrieval after context specific extinction in rats
Hobin, J.A., Ji J., Maren S. - 2006
Galantamine on CA1 neuron excitability in rabbit
Oh, M.M., Wu W.W., Power J.M., Disterhoft J.F. - 2006
M1 and GABA-B receptors on excitability in CA1 of mice
Kremin, T., Gerber D., Giocomo L.M., Huang S.Y., Tonegawa S., Hasselmo M.E. - 2006
Nicotinic agonist on hippocampal excitability and impaired eyeblink conditioning by NMDA antagonists in mice
Rodriguez-Moreno, A., Carrion M., Delgado-Garcia J.M. - 2006
Conditioned and unconditioned nucleus basalis magnocellularis stimulation on cholinergic nucleus basalis magnocellularis release and electroencephalographic activity in rats
Weinberger, N.M., Miasnikov A.A., Chen J.C. - 2006
Entorhinal cortex and olfactory bulb stimulation on amygdala and priform cortex responses in the rat
Mouly, A.-M., Di Scala G. - 2006
Fearful amygdala kindling on serotonergic expression in the hippocampus and exploration of rats
Kalynchuk, L.E., Pinel J.P.J., Meaney M.J. - 2006
mGluR8 agonist into the amygdala on fear-potentiated startle and plasticity in rats
Schmid, S., Fendt M. - 2006
Amygdala/perirhinal excitability in pilocarpine-treated rats
Benini, R., Avoli M. - 2006
Substantia nigra stimulation effect on amygdala-kindled seizures in rats
Shi, L.-H., Luo F., Woodward D., Chang J.-Y. - 2006
Vagus nerve stimulation on spatial memory and amygdala excitability in rats
Dedeurwaerdere, S., Gilby K., Vonck K., Delbeke J., Boon P., McIntyre D. - 2006
Intra-amygdala D-cycloserine on fear conditioning extinction in rats
Mao, S.-C., Hsiao Y.-H., Gean P.-W. - 2006
GABA and glutamate on basolateral amygdala excitability in mice
Woodruff, A.R., Monyer H., Sah P. - 2006
Predator stress on hippocampal and amygdalar excitability of rats: effects of antidepressant tianeptine
Vouimba, R.-M., Munoz C., Diamond D.M. - 2006
Long-term potentiation and plasticity in amygdala of rats
Shin, R.-M., Tsvetkov E., Bolshakov V.Y. - 2006
Ventral hippocampus neuron projections to medial prefrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala in rats
Ishikawa, A., Nakamura S. - 2006
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation on frontoparietal activity in humans
Rounis, E., Stephan K.E., Lee L., Siebner H.R., Pesenti A., Friston K.J., Rothwell J.C., Frackowiak R.S.J. - 2006
Asymmetrical sensitization on further learning in Aplysia
Antzoulatos, E.G., Wainwright M.L., Cleary L.J., Byme J.H. - 2006