Striatal tonically active neurons and conditioning - Review
Apicella, P. - 2002
Post-training dexamethasone on appetitive and aversive operant behaviors and Pavlovian suppression in rats
Zorawski, M., Killcross S. - 2002
Nitric oxide-cGMP-dependent long-term memory in Lymnaea
Kemenes, I., Kemenes G., Andrew R.J., Benjamin P.R., O’Shea M. - 2002
Medial prefrontal cortex neuron activity during eyeblink and jaw movements in rabbits
McLaughlin, J., Powell D.A., White J.D. - 2002
Connectionist theory of configural learning - Review
Pearce, J.M. - 2002
Hippocampal activity and eyeblink conditioning latent inhibition in rabbits
Katz, D.B., Rogers R.F., Steinmetz J.E. - 2002
Odor discrimination and synaptic efficacy in dentate gyrus and piriform cortex in rats
Truchet, B., Chaillan F.A., Soumireu-Mourat B., Roman F.S. - 2002
Neuron RPeD1 actiuvity during conditioning in snail Lymnaea
Spencer, G.E., Kazmi M.H., Syed N.I., Lukowiak K. - 2002
Continuous and partial reinforcement schedules on Learning and extinction in Lymnaea
Sangha, S., McComb C., Scheibenstock A., Johannes C., Lukowiak K. - 2002
Comparison between extinction and reduction of unconditioned stimulus intensity in classical conditioning of the rabbit
Kehoe, E.J., White N.E. - 2002
Interactions on conditioned inhibitory effects in Pavlovian conditioning of rats
Tinsley, M.R., Timberlake W., Sitomer M., Widman D.R. - 2002
Temporal discrimination in classical conditioning of rabbits
Kehoe, E.J., Boesenberg K.G. - 2002
AMPA cerebellar cortical lobule HVI inactivation on eyeblink conditioning in rabbits
Attwell, P.J.E., Rahman S., Yeo C.H. - 2001
Amygdala and nucleus accumbens lesions on Pavlovian influences on instrumental conditioning in rats
Hall, J., Parkinson J.A., Connor T.M., Dickinson A., Everitt B.J. - 2001
Amygdala lesions on conditioned eyeblink in rats
Choi, J.-S., Lindquist D.H., Brown T.H. - 2001
Model of hippocampal activity in trace conditioning
Rodriguez, P., Levy W.B. - 2001
Medial and lateral striatum lesions on attentional performance in the rat
Rogers, R.D., Baunez C., Everitt B.J., Robbins T.W. - 2001
Blocking and conditioning: neuroimaging mapping Pavlovian conditioning in the rat brain
Jones, D., Gonzalez-Lima F. - 2001
Medial prefrontal cortex lesions on eyeblink conditioning and conditioned emotional response in rabbits
Powell, D.A., Skaggs H., Churchwell J., McLaughlin J. - 2001
Dorsal hippocampus lesions on appetitive classical conditioning in the rat
Bonardi, C. - 2001
Entorhinal cortex lesions on Pavlovian conditioning and hippocampal activity in rabbits
Ryou, J.-W., Cho S.-Y., Kim H.-T. - 2001
Medial prefrontal lesions on eyeblink reflex in rabbits
McLaughlin, J., Flaten M.A., Chachich M., Powell D.A. - 2001
Prefrontal and contralateral dorsal striatal lesions on Pavlovian conditioning and attention in rats
Christakou, A., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 2001
Hippocampus on trace classical conditioning in the rat
Beylin, A.V., Gandhi C.C., Wood G.E., Talk A.C., Matzei L.D., Shors T.J. - 2001
Early hippocampal lesions on delayed and not-delayed eyeblink conditioning in rats
Ivkovich, D., Stanton M.E. - 2001
Glutamate receptor mutant mice and eyeblink conditioning
Kishimoto, Y., Kawahara S., Suzuki M., Mori H., Mishina M., Kirino Y. - 2001
Brief cerebellar cortical stimulation during rabbit classical eyeblink conditioning
Katz, D.B., Tarcy J.A., Steinmetz J.E. - 2001
Interpositus nucleus activity and eyeblink conditioning in the rat
Rogers, R.F., Britton G.B., Steinmetz J.E. - 2001
GluRδ2-mutant mice in eyeblink conditioning
Kishimoto, Y., Kawahara S., Fujimichi R., Mori H., Mishina M., Kirino Y. - 2001
Interpositus nucleus unit responses to tone and light during eyeblink conditioning
Tracy, J.A., Britton G.B., Steinmetz J.E. - 2001