Medial prefrontal and perirhinal lesions on object, place and temporal order components in rat's recognition memory
Barker, G.R.I., Bird F., Alexander V., Warburton E.C. - 2007
Brain imaging and working memory in humans
Protzner, A.B., McIntosh A.R. - 2007
γ and α activity during ipsi-/contra-lateral lesions on spatial learning in rats
Jokisch, D., Jensen O. - 2007
Hippocampal-parietal cortex ipsi-/contra-lateral lesions on spatial learning in rats
Rogers, J.L., Kesner R.P. - 2007
Neural substrates of goal-directed learning in human brain
Valentin, V.V., Dickinson A., O'Doherty J.P. - 2007
Semantic retrieval and left prefrontal cortex activity in humans
Goldberg, R.F., Perfetti C.A., Fiez J.A., Schneider W. - 2007
Fronto-parietal activity and spatial neglect in humans
He, B.J., Snyder A.Z., Vincent J.L., Epstein A., Shulman G.L., Corbetta M. - 2007
Frontal and striatal role during positive and negative reward in humans
Liu, X., Powell D.K., Wang H., Gold B.T., Corbly C.R., Joseph J.E. - 2007
Medial temporal lobe activation during associative learning in humans
Tendolkar, I., Arnold J., Petersson K.M., Weis S., Brockhaus-Dumke A., Van Eijndhoven P., Buitelaar J., Fernandez J. - 2007
Motor training on instrumental learning in spinally transected rats
Bigbee, A.J., Crown E.D., Ferguson A.R., Roy R.R., Tillakaratne N.J.K., Grau J.W., Edgerton V.R. - 2007
Attention and memory - Review
Chun, M.M., Turk-Browne N.B. - 2007
Neurodevelopmental changes in working memory of humans - Review
Bunge, S.A., Wright S.B. - 2007
Uni- and bi-lateral ventrolateral prefrontal lesions on operant conditioning of monkeys
Wilson, C.R.E., Gaffan D., Mitchell A.S., Baxter M.G. - 2007
Conditioned stimulus presentation during sleep and consolidation in humans
Rasch, B., Buchel C., Gais S., Born J. - 2007
Functional neuroimaging of memory in humans - Review
Cabeza, R., St. Jacques P. - 2007
Dopaminergic fronto-striatal activity and impulsivity in humans
Cools, R., Sheridan M., Jacobs E., D'Esposito M. - 2007
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and memory encoding in humans
Murray, L.J., Ranganath C. - 2007
Caudate-putamen lesions and motor impairment in rats
Whishaw, I.Q., Zeeb F., Erickson C., McDonald R.J. - 2007
Brain activation and rewards in humans
McClure, S.M., Ericson K.M., Laibson D.I., Loewenstein G., Cohen J.D. - 2007
Brain activation and rewards in humans
Lohrenz, T., McCabe K., Camerer C.F., Montague P.R. - 2007
Brain activation during attention and distraction in humans
Dolcos, F., Miller B., Kragel P., Jha A., McCarthy G. - 2007
Brain activation during classical conditioning in humans
Bray, S., O'Doherty J. - 2007
Frontal cortex activation during spatial and saccade task in humans
Kastner, S., DeSimone K., Konen C.S., Szczepanski S.M., Weiner K.S., Schneider K.A. - 2007
Parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortices in place recognition of humans
Epstein, R.A., Parker W.E., Feiler A.M. - 2007
Behavioral lateralization of tactile performance in rats
Aggestam, F., Cahusac P.M.B. - 2007
Cortical lesions on neuron firing and cognition in monkeys
Xiang, J.-Z., Brown M.W. - 2007
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis asymmetry in humans
Amunts, V.V. - 2007
Unilateral neglect in humans
Pavlovskaya, M., Soroker N., Bonneh Y. - 2007
Cerebral asymmetries in sleep-dependent memory consolidation in humans
Peigneux, P., Schmitz R., Willems S. - 2007
Cortex and hippocampus activation on memory retrieval in humans
Whatmough, C., Chertkow H. - 2007