Unilateral neonatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia on lateralized memory deficit in avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Arteni, N.S., Salgueiro J., Torres I., Achaval M., Netto C.A. - 2003
Retrograde amnesia and value of brain structures in humans
Kopelman, M.D., Lasserson D., Kingsley D.R., Bello F., Rush C., Stanhope N., Stevens T.G., Goodman G., Buckman J.R., Heilpern G., Kendall B.E., Colchester A.C.F. - 2003
Retrograde amnesia and old reactivated memory - Commentary
Riccio, D.C., Millin P.M., Gisquet-Verrier P. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex lesions on retrograde and anterograde memory of object recognition and discrimination in rats
Mumby, D.G., Glenn M.J., Nesbitt C., Kyriazis D.A. - 2002
Episodic memory: from mind to brain - Review
Tulving, E. - 2002
DM235 on passive avoidance and spatial learning in mice
Ghelardini, C., Galeotti N., Gualtieri F., Romanelli M.N., Bucherelli C., Baldi E., Bartolini A. - 2002
Oxiracetam on scopolamine and diazepam impairment in plus maze task in mice
Hlinak, Z., Krejci I. - 2002
Methylene blue on cytochrome oxidase inhibitor spatial memory amnesia in rats
Callaway, N.L., Riha P.D., Wrubel K.M., McCollum D., Gonzalez-Lima F. - 2002
Pre-training and reminder in odor guided task in rats: fornix, perirhinal cortex and entorhinal cortex lesions
Hanson, G.R., Bunsey M.D., Riccio D.C. - 2002
Delay, trace eyeblink conditioning on awareness and brain system - Review
Clark, R.E., Manns J.R., Squire L.R. - 2002
Anisomycin in hippocampus on reactivated consolidated fear memory in rats
Debiec, J., LeDoux J.E., Nader K. - 2002
Systemic anisomycin on reactivation of passive avoidance memory trace in rats
Milekic, M.H., Alberini C.M. - 2002
Reactivation and reconsolidation - Commentary
Riccio, D.C., Moody E.W., Millin P.M. - 2002
Retrograde amnesia and consolidation; hippocampus lesions - Review
Jarrard, L.E. - 2001
Consolidation of memory - Commentary
Nadel, L., Bohbot V. - 2001
Hippocampus and amnesia - Review
Rosenbaum, R.S., Winocur G., Moscovitch M. - 2001
Retrograde amnesia and reactivation studies - Commentary
Millin, P.M., Moody E.W., Riccio D.C. - 2001
Anisomycin into the basolateral amygdala on reconsolidation of fear conditioning in rats
Nader, K., Schafe G.E., LeDoux J.E. - 2000
Glucose attenuation of memory impairment in pigeons
Parkes, M., White K.G. - 2000
Perirhinal cortex lesions on spatial anterograde and retrograde memory in rats
Mumby, D.G., Glenn M.J. - 2000
Post-acquisition scopolamine on lamb odor recognition memory formation in ewes
Ferreira, G., Gervais R., Durkin T.P., Levy F. - 1999
Histamine H3 receptors on passive avoidance and scopolamine-induced amnesia in rats
Giovannini, M.G., Bartolini L., Bacciottini L., Greco L., Blandina P. - 1999
Hippocampal lesions and retrgrade amnesia for places and discrimination task in rats
Mumby, D.G., Astur R.S., Weisend M.P., Sutherland R.J. - 1999
Consolidation and hippocampal complex - Review
Moscovitch, M., Nadel L. - 1998
Hippocampus and memory consolidation - Commentary
Knowlton, B.J., Fanselow M.S. - 1998
Cholinomimetic agent on scopolamine amnesia in rats
M'Harzi, M., Willig F., Gieules C., Palou A.-M., Oberlander C., Barzaghi F. - 1997
Implicit and explicit memory in amnesia - Review
Murre, J.M.J. - 1997
Reconsolidation of memory after its reactivation in rats: NMDA receptor role
Przybyslawski, J., Sara S.J. - 1997
Amnesia, memory and brain system - Review
Squire, L.R., Zola-Morgan S. - 1997