Intracerebrally released vasopressin and oxytocin - Review
Landgraf, R. - 1995
Anti-vasopressin and anti-oxytocin serum in dorsal hippocampus, lateral habenula and dorsal raphe nucleus in rat's passive avoidance
Van Wimersma Greidanus, T.B., Baars A. - 1993
ACTH4-10, desglycinamide [Arg8]-vasopressin,desglycinamide-oxytocin effects on heart rate, body temperature and passive avoidance in rats
Wan, R., Diamant M., De Jong W., De Wied D. - 1992
Oxytocin and vasopressin on freezing in the rat
Stoehr, J.D., Cramer C.P., North W.G. - 1992
Oxytocin on food and fluid intake in rats
Arletti, R., Benelli A., Bertolini A. - 1990
Vasopressin and oxytocin: modulators of stress - Review
Gibbs, D.M. - 1986
Ibotenate lesions of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in the rat
Herman, J.P., Wiegand S.J. - 1986
Angiotensin II, vasopressin and oxytocin iontophoresis in rats anterior hypothalamus
Thornton, S.N., Jeulin A., De Beaurepaire R., Nicolaidis S. - 1985
Hypothalamic nucleus medianus lesions on plasmatic vasopressin and oxytocin in rats
Gardiner, T.W., Verbalis J.G., Stricker E.M. - 1985
Neuropeptides on spontaneous behaviors in rats
Niesink, R.J.M., Van Ree J.M. - 1984
Vasopressin and oxytocin in passive avoidance of rats
Sahgal, A., Wright C. - 1984
Vasopressin on learning and memory - Review
Sahgal, A. - 1984
Vasopressin and oxytocin in nociception of rats
Kordower, J.H., Bodnar R.J. - 1984
Oxytocin and vasopressin agonist and antagonist analog neuropeptides
Manning, M., Sawyer W.H. - 1984
Vasopressin- and oxytocin-like pepetides in Mammalian sympathetic nervous system
Hanley, M.R., Benton H.P., Lightman S.L., Todd K., Bones E.A., Fretten P., Palmer S., Kirk C.J., Mitchell R.H. - 1984
Memory process neuromodulation - Review
Gold, P.E., Zornetzer S.F. - 1983
Catecholamines and memory - Review
McGaugh, J.L. - 1983
Non-opioid neuropeptides in central nervous system - Review
Iversen, L.L. - 1983
Vasopressin and oxytocin brain content in hypertensive and normotensive rats of different age
Mohring, J., Schoun J., Kintz J., Robinson I.C.A.F., McNeill J.R. - 1983
Hypothalamic neuropeptides - Review
Galoyan, A., Srapionian R. - 1983
Vasopressin and oxytocin on spontaneous and learned behaviors - Review
Meisenberg, G., Simmons W.H. - 1983
Vasopressin and oxytocin distribution in central nervous system - Review
Sofroniew, M.V. - 1983
Hormonal state in Brattleboro rats - Review
Sokol, H.W., Zimmerman E.A. - 1982
Pituitary-adrenal axis and stress in Brattleboro rats
Lutz-Bucher, B., Koch B. - 1982
Intra-nucleus tractus solitarius vasopressin, oxytocin or norepinephrine on cardiovascular response in rats
Matsuguchi, H., Sharabi F.M., Gordon F.J., Johnson A.K., Schmid P.G. - 1982
Intracerebroventricular agents on grooming and locomotor activity in rats and mice
Meisenberg, G. - 1982
Vasopressin, oxytocin and catecholamines in hypothalamic neurons of monkeys
Sladek, J.R. Jr., Zimmerman E.A. - 1982
Vasopressin and oxytocin levels during passive avoidance training in rats
Mens, W.B.J., Van Egmond M.A.H., De Rotte A.A., Van Wimersma Greidanus T.B. - 1982
Intracerebroventricular or systemic melanocyte stimulating hormone on passive avoidance in two-day-old chicks
Davis, J.L., Pico R.M., Cherkin A. - 1982
Dopaminergic opioid modulation of oxytocin and vasopressin neurohypophysed secretion in rats
Bicknell, R.J., Leng G. - 1982