Temperature-sensitive transgene expression in flies
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Body temperature as a conditional measure in fear conditioning of rats
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Behavioral strategies in avoidance of Drosophila
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New animal models of anxiety - Review
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Metabolic and thermoregulatory responses by different cages in the rat
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Brain temperature and behavior in rats
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ACTH4-10, desglycinamide [Arg8]-vasopressin,desglycinamide-oxytocin effects on heart rate, body temperature and passive avoidance in rats
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Bright light on body temperature, alertness and human circadian rhythms
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Heart-rate and body temperature during passive avoidance training in rats
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Body temperature and nervous system - Review
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Ambient temperature and food costs in rats: behavior patterns
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Vasopressin in thermoregulation - Review
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Serotonergic system and emotional hyperthermia in mice
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Emotional hypertermia as anticipatory anxiety in mice
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Emotional hyperthermia as anticipatory anxiety in mice
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Emotional hyperthermia as anticipatory anxiety in mice
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Learned anticipatory rise in body temperature due to handling in rats
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Emotional hyperthermia in spontaneous hypertensive and normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats
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Intra-hypothalamic 6-hydroxydopamine on feeding, locomotor activity and hypothermia in rats: propranolol and haloperidol effects
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Stressful stimuli on corticosterone, glucose, fatty acids levels in rats
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Intracrebroventricular dopamine or prostaglandin E1 on core temperature and motor activity in rats
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Vasopressin modulation of homeostatic processes - Review
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Experimentally induced retrograde amnesia and reactivation of the trace - Review
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Vasopressin and body temperature - Review
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Hypothermia and anterograde amnesia in rats
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Environmental temperature, photoperiod and circadian locomotor activity in crickets
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Hypothermia-induced amnesia for newly acquired and old reactivated memories in rats
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Ambient temperature on active avoidance performance in mice of different strains
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Circadian rectal temperature and food access in young and adult rats
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Environmental temperature on food intake in rats
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