Neurocognitive mechanisms of conditioned fear - Review
Bishop, S.J. - 2007
Prefrontal regions role in emotional memory suppression in humans
Depue, B.E., Curran T., Banich M.T. - 2007
Amygdala and hippocampus lesions on fear-potentiated startle in monkeys
Antoniadis, E.A., Winslow J.T., Davis M., Amaral D.G. - 2007
CB1 antagonist into the right basolateral amygdala on fear conditioning, related analgesia and dopamine and serotonin brain release in rats
Roche, M., O'Connor E., Diskin C., Finn D.P. - 2007
Sleep on hippocampal-neocorical interplay during memory recollection in humans
Sterpenich, V., Albouy G., Boly M., Vandewalle G., Darsaud A., Balteau E., Dang-Vu T.T., Desseilles M., D'Argembeau A., Gais S., Rauchs G., Schabus M.,Degueldre C., Luxen A., Collette F., Maquet P. - 2007
Unilateral neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in rats: environmental enrichment effects on Morris water maze deficit
Pereira, L.O., Arteni N.S., Petersen R.C., da Rocha A.P., Achaval M., Netto C.A. - 2007
Mesial temporal lobe activation and learning in humans
Chan, A.S., Cheung M. - 2007
Parietal and prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation on human working memory
Luber, B., Kinnunen L.H., Rakitin B.C., Ellsasser R., Stern Y., Lisanby S.H. - 2007
Brain imaging of human memory retrieval
Yeh, Y.-Y., Kuo B.-C., Liu H.-L. - 2007
Brainj activation and visual attention task in humans
Tomasi, D., Chang L., Caparelli E.C., Ernst T. - 2007
Adenosine A2a antagonist on L-DOPA effects on motory performance of unilateral 6-hydroxydopmanine nigro-striatal lesioned rats
Rose, S., Croft N.R., Jenner P. - 2007
Unilateral intra-striatal 6-hydroxydopamine on nigro-striatal damage and turning behavior in rats
Blandini, F., Levandis G., Bazzini E., Nappi G., Armentero M.-T. - 2007
Operant conditioning in monkeys
Ding, L., Hikosaka O. - 2007
Interhemispheric transfer of procedural knowledge in humans
Perez, M.A., Wise S.P., Willingham D.T., Cohen L.G. - 2007
Brain activity and spatial choices in humans
Schumacher, E.H., Cole M.W., D'Esposito M. - 2007
Brain imaging during multi-trial learning in humans with mild cognitive impairment
Moulin, C.J.A., Laine M., Rinne J.O., Kaasinen V., Sipila H., Hiltunen J., Kangasmaki A. - 2007
Right hemisphere cortical infarction and scopolamine on spatial visual attention performance in rats
Hoff, E.I., van OOstenbrugge R.J., Liedenbaum M., Steinbusch H.W.M., Blokland A. - 2007
Left and right hippocampus on spatial representation in pigeons
Nardi, D., Bingman V.P. - 2007
Cortical activation and egocentric and allocentric spatial informations in humans
Zaehle, T., Jordan K., Wustenberg T., Baudewig J., Dechent P., Mast F.W. - 2007
Transcranial magnetic stimulation on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and attentional processes in humans
Vanderhasselt, M.-A., De Raedt R., Baeken C., Leyman L., Clerinx P., D'haenen H. - 2007
Sleep deprivation and memory in humans
Yoo, S.-S., Hu P.T., Gujar N., Jolesz F.A., Walker M.P. - 2007
Colors memorization in human working memory
Ikeda, T., Osaka N. - 2007
Visual hemifield locations in humans
Malinowski, P., Fuchs S., Muller M.M. - 2007
Unilateral striatal lesions on locomotion, Morris water maze and passive avoidance performances in mice
Haelewyn, B., Freret T., Pacary E., Schumann-Bard P., Boulouard M., Bernaudin M., Bouet V. - 2007
Passive avoidance and monocular sleep in 2-3 days old chicks
Bobbo, D., Mascetti G.G., Fonda F., Vallortigara G. - 2007
Sex-related hemispheric lateralization of emotional responses in humans
Gasbarri, A., Arnone B., Pompili A., Pacitti F., Pacitti C., Cahill L. - 2007
Auditory learning in humans
Van Wassenhove, V., Nagarajan S.S. - 2007
Hippocampal sclerosis and memory: intracranial electroencephalogram study in humans
Mormann, F., Fernandez G., Klaver P., Weber B., Elger C.E., Fell J. - 2007
Erythropoietin and hippocampal activity during memory retrieval in humans
Miskowiak, K., O'Sullivan U., Harmer C.J. - 2007
Brain activation and fear/disgust emotional reactions in humans
Thielscher, A., Pessoa L. - 2007