Amygdalar dopamine response and emotion in humans
Kienast, T., Hariri A.R., Schlagenhauf F., Wrase J., Sterzer P., Buchholz H.G., Smolka M.N., Grunder G., Cummings P., Kumakura Y., Bartenstein P., Dolan R.J., Heinz A. - 2008
Brain substrates involved in post-hypnotic amnesia in humans
Mendelsohn, A., Chalamish Y., Solmonovich A., Dudai Y. - 2008
Positron emission tomography study on neural mechanisms of recall in humans
Hall, N.M., Gjedde A., Kupers R. - 2008
Prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia role in working memory of humans
McNab, F., Klingberg T. - 2008
Brain activation and spatial orientation in humans
Hannula, D.E., Ranganath C. - 2008
Brain activation during spatial navigation in humans
Shipman, S.L., Astur R.S. - 2008
Anterior prefrontal cortex activity and working memory in humans
De Pisapia, N., Braver T.S. - 2008
Left prefrontal transcranial stimulation and working memory in humans
Ohn, S.H., Park C., Yoo W.-K., Ko M.-H., Choi K.P., Kim G.-M., Lee Y.T., Kim Y.-H. - 2008
Attention and taste stimuli evolution in humans
Grabenhorst, F., Rolls E.T. - 2008
Hippocampal and neocortical activity on memory in old humans
Miller, S.L., Celone K., DePeau K., Diamond E., Dickerson B.C., Rentza D., Pihlajamaki M., Sperling R.A. - 2008
Neocortical and hippocampal neuron activity during orientational and freezing behavior in rabbits
Pavlova, I.V., Vanetsian G.L. - 2008
Asymmetrical neocortical and hippocampal neuroactivity during orientational and freezing behavior in rabbits
Pavlova, I.V., Vanetsian G.L. - 2008
Grooming and locomotion after unilateral ischemic stroke in gerbils
de Araujo, F.L.B., Bertolino G., Rodrigues Funayama C.A., Coimbra N.C., de Araujo J.E. - 2008
Age-related event-related potential differences at retrieval in humans
Nessler, D., Johnson R. Jr., Bersick M., Friedman D. - 2008
Cortical activity and visuospatial attention in humans
Wyart, V., Tallon-Baudry C. - 2008
Lateral hypothalamic self-stimulation on dopamine release in nucleus accumbens of rats
Hernandez, G., Rajabi H., Stewart J., Arvanitogiannis A., Shizgal P. - 2008
Perirhinal and medial prefrontal unilateral, contralateral AMPA and NMDA antagonists on object in place memory of rats
Barker, G.R.I., Warburton E.C. - 2008
Striatal dopamine release and motor memory in humans
Badgaiyan, R.D., Fischman A.J., Alpert N.M. - 2008
Emotional and auditory simuli on P3 response in humans
Dominguez-Borras, J., Garcia-Garcia M., Escera C. - 2008
Lithium on stress-induced behavior and hippocampal cell fate in pre-pubertal and adult rats
Silva, R., Mesquita A.R., Bessa J., Sousa J.C., Sotiropoulos I., Leao P., Almeida O.F.X., Sousa N. - 2008
Unilateral fornix-frontal-temporal disconnection on object in place memory of monkeys
Wilson, C.R.E., Baxter M.G., Easton A., Gaffan D. - 2008
Unilateral prefrontal-inferotemporal disconnection on operant conditioning reversal learning in monkeys
Wilson, C.R.E., Gaffan D. - 2008
Striatal role in Pavlovian influences on operant conditioning of humans
Bray, S., Rangel A., Shimojo S., Balleine B., O'Doherty J.P. - 2008
Hippocampal and parahippocampal theta in human spatial navigation
Cornwell, B.R., Johnson L.L., Holroyd T., Carver F.W., Grillon C. - 2008
Cortical activation in spatial attention of humans
Egner, T., Monti J.M.P., Trittschub E.H., Wieneke C.A., Hirsch J., Mesulam M.-M. - 2008
Oxytocin on fear conditioning and related brain activity in male humans
Petrovic, P., Kalisch R., Singer T., Dolan R.J. - 2008
Hippocampal and cerebellar activation in delay and trace eyeblink conditioning of humans
Cheng, D.T., Disterhoft J.F., Power J.M., Ellis D.A., Desmond J.E. - 2008
Accumbal and hippocampal lesions on cue-place conditioning in rats
Ito, R., Robbins T.W., Pennartz C.M., Everitt B.J. - 2008
Parietal cortex and memory - Review
Cabeza, R., Ciaramelli E., Olson I.R., Moscovitch M. - 2008
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis stimulation on conditioning and cortical activity in rats
Miasnikov, A.A., Chen J.C., Gross N., Poytress B.S., Weinberger N.M. - 2008