Olfactory classical conditioning in newborn mice
Bouslama, M., Durand E., Chauviere L., Van den Bergh O., Gallego J. - 2005
Corticosterone on eyeblink conditioning in male and female rats
Claflin, D.I., Hennessy M.B., Jensen S.J. - 2005
Non-contingent extrinsic and intrinsic rewards on memory consolidation in humans
Nielson, K.A., Bryant T. - 2005
Emotional arousal after training on memory in humans
Nielson, K.A., Yee D., Erickson K.I. - 2015
Substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons in rat's classical conditioning
Pan, W.-X., Schmidt R., Wickens J.R., Hyland B.I. - 2005
CREB in olfactory memory in Drosophila larvae
Honjo, K., Furukubo-Tokunaga K. - 2005
Hippocampal θ activity on eyeblink conditioning of young and older rabbits
Asaka, Y., Mauldin K.N., Griffin A.L., Seager M.A., Shurell E., Berry S.D. - 2005
Lateral hypothalamus orexin neurons in reward seeking of rats
Harris, G.C., Wimmer M., Aston-Jones G. - 2005
Intrastriatal dopamine, AMPA and NMDA antagonists on conditioned place preference of rats
Vanderschuren, L.J.M.J., Di Ciano P., Everitt B.J. - 2005
NMDA and glutamate receptors on eyeblink conditioning of mice
Kato, Y., Takatsuki K., Kawahara S., Fukunaga S., Mori H., Mishina M., Kirino Y. - 2005
Ambient lighting on conditioned place preference in dark-light box of rats
Roma, P.G., Riley A.L. - 2005
Protein kinase C activation and long-term memory in Hermissenda
Alkon, D.L., Epstein H., Kuzirian A., Bennett M.C., Nelson T.J. - 2005
Gene transfer of GLT-1 into nucleus accumbens shell on conditioned place preference in rats
Fujio, M., Nakagawa T., Sekiya Y., Ozawa T., Suzuki Y., Minami M., Satoh M., Kaneko S. - 2005
Dorsal paired medial neuron role in Drosophila olfactory classical conditioning
Yu, D., Keene A.C., Srivatsan A., Waddell S., Davis R.L. - 2005
Mitogen-activated protein kinase in classical conditioning of Lymnaea stagnalis
Ribeiro, M.J., Schofield M.G., Kemenes I., O'Shea M., Kemenes G., Benjamin P.R. - 2005
Dopaminergic circuit in ganglia of Aplysia and classical conditioning
Reyes, F.D., Mozzachiodi R., Baxter D.A., Byrne J.H. - 2005
Extinction and renewal of Pavlovian conditioning in humans
Baeyens, F., Vansteenwegen D., Beckers T., Hermans D., Kerkhof I., De Ceulaer A. - 2005
Sodium depletion and conditioning in rats
Stouffer, E.M., White N.M. - 2005
Protein synthesis in consolidation and reconsolidation of classical conditioning in terrestrian snails
Gainutdinova, T.H., Tagirova R.R., Ismailova A.I., Muranova L.N., Samarova E.I., Gainutdinov K.L., Balaban P.M. - 2005
Cerebellar HVI lobule inactivation on eyeblink conditioning in rabbits - muscimol inactivation
Cooke, S.F., Attwell P.J.E., Yeo C.H. - 2004
Cerebellar cortical lobule HVI muscimol inactivation on eyeblink conditioning consolidation in rabbits
Cooke, S.F., Attwell P.J.E., Yeo C.H. - 2004
Noradrenaline and dopamine release in prefrontal cortex during appetitive classical conditioning acquisition and extinction in rats
Mingote, S., de Bruin J.P., Feenstra M.G.P. - 2004
Cerebellar protein kinase A and β-adrenergic receptor on eyeblink conditioning consolidation of rats
Cartford, M.C., Samec A., Fister M., Bickford P.C. - 2004
Effects of intra-cerebellar norepinephrine antagonist and protein kinase A inhibitor in eyeblink conditioning in rats
Cartford, M.C., Samec A., Fister M., Bickford P.C. - 2004
Cerebellar, amygdalar and hippocampal lesions on eyeblink conditioning in rats
Lee, T., Kim J.J. - 2004
NMDA antagonist into the amygdala on eyeblink conditioning and expression of fear in rats
Lindquist, D.H., Brown T.H. - 2004
Amigdala kindling and Pavlovian conditioning in rats
Barnes, S.J., Magyar O., Pinel J.P.J., Takahashi A. - 2004
Brain asymmetry in Drosophila
Pascual, A., Hung K.-L., Neveu J., Preat T. - 2004
Consolidation phases in avoidance memory of Drosophila
Isabel, G., Pascual A., Preat T. - 2004
Hippocampus in trace eyeblink conditioning of mice
Tseng, W., Guan R., Disterhoft J.F., Weiss C. - 2004