Retrograde amnesia and value of brain structures in humans
Kopelman, M.D., Lasserson D., Kingsley D.R., Bello F., Rush C., Stanhope N., Stevens T.G., Goodman G., Buckman J.R., Heilpern G., Kendall B.E., Colchester A.C.F. - 2003
Brain encoding and hippocampus in humans
Habib, R., McIntosh A.R., Wheeler M.A., Tulving E. - 2003
Hippocampus during encoding and retrieval in humans
Zeineh, M.M., Engel S.A., Thompson P.M., Bookheimer S.Y. - 2003
Functional connectivity between hippocampus and cortex during memory encoding in young and aged humans
Grady, C.L., McIntosh A.R., Craik F.I.M. - 2003
Lateral and medial prefrontal cortex during visual task in humans
Chaminade, T., Fonlupt P. - 2003
Human hippocampal and parahippocampal activity during spatial and non spatial recognition memory
Duzel, E., Habib R., Rotte M., Guderian S., Tulving E., Heinze H.-J. - 2003
Cerebellar activation during eyeblink conditioning in rabbits: functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Miller, M.J., Chen N.-K., Li L., Tom B., Weiss C., Disterhoft J.F., Wyrwicz A.M. - 2003
Cortex activity during working memory in ecstasy, cannabis and amphetamine human users
Daumann, J., Schnitker R., Weidemann J., Schnell K., Thron A., Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E. - 2003
Sex differences and emotional memory in humans
Canli, T., Desmond J.E., Zhao Z., Gabrieli J.D.E. - 2002
Cerebroventricular corticotropin-releasing factor on limbic glucose metabolism and social behaviors in primates
Strome, E.M., Wheler G.H.T., Higley J.D., Loriaux D.L., Suomi S.J., Doudet D.J. - 2002
Episodic memory: from mind to brain - Review
Tulving, E. - 2002
Theta and alpha oscillations, human electroencephalogram and memory
Sauseng, P., Klimesch W., Gruber W., Doppelmayr M., Stadler W., Schabus M. - 2002
Hippocampus and neocortex on memory - Commentary
Otten, L.J., Rugg M.D. - 2002
Hippocampus and neocortex on memory
Fernandez, G., Fell J., Fries P. - 2002
Human prefrontal cortex on attention and emotion
Yamasaki, H., LaBar K.S., McCarthy G. - 2002
Prefrontal cortex in human memory
Dobbins, I.G., Foley H., Schacter D.L., Wagner A.D. - 2002
Human frontal cortex and memory retrieval - Commentary
Buckner, R. - 2002
Procedural and declarative learning in humans
Willingham, D.B., Salidis J., Gabrieli J.D.E. - 2002
Hippocampal, parahippocampal and entorhinal contributions to episodic encoding in humans
Davachi, L., Wagner A.D. - 2002
Visual neural correlates of perceptual learning in humans
Schwartz, S., Maquet P., Frith C. - 2002
Role of cortex and cerebellum in fear potentiate startle reflex of humans
Frings, M., Maschke M., Erichsen M., Jentzen W., Muller S.P., Kolb F.P., Diener H.-C., Timmann D. - 2002
Hippocampus and amnesia - Review
Rosenbaum, R.S., Winocur G., Moscovitch M. - 2001
Context effects on recognition memory in humans
Tsivillis, D., Otten L.J., Rugg M.D. - 2001
Blocking and conditioning: neuroimaging mapping Pavlovian conditioning in the rat brain
Jones, D., Gonzalez-Lima F. - 2001
Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of neurotoxic lesions in monkeys
Malkova, L., Lex C.K., Mishkin M., Saunders R.C. - 2001
Spatial representation in body-centered coordinates in humans
Galati, G., Committeri G., Sanes J.N., Pizzamiglio L. - 2001
Neuronal representation of stimulus association in the cortex in monkeys
Messinger, A., Squire L.R., Zola S.M., Albright T.D. - 2001
Dorsolateral frontal cortex connections and modulation by magnetic transcranial stimulation in humans
Paus, T., Castro-Alamancos M.A., Petrides M. - 2001
Pathological laughter and crying and cerebellum in humans
Parvizi, J., Anderson S.W., Martin C.O., Damasio H., Damasio A.R. - 2001
Fluorodeoxyglucose brain imaging on conditioned suppression in rats
Jones, D., Gonzalez-Lima F. - 2001