Cyclooxygenase inhibitor ibuprofen on brain derived neurotrophic factor levels, hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial memory in rats
Shaw, K.N., Commins S., O'Mara S.M. - 2003
42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase mutant mice in hippocampal long-term potentiation spatial and fear conditioning memory
Morozov, A., Muzzio I.A., Bourtchouladze R., Vari-Strien N., Lapidus K., Yin D.-Q., Winder D.G., Adams J.P., Sweatt J.D., Kandel E.R. - 2003
CREB on hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial and non-spatial memory in mice
Balschun, D., Wolfer D.P., Gass P., Mantamadiotis T., Welzl H., Schutz G., Frey J.U., Lipp H.-P. - 2003
Stress on hippocampal long-term depression and spatial memory in rats
Xiong, W., Yang Y., Cao J., Wei H., Liang C., Yang S., Xu L. - 2003
Integrin in hippocampal synaptic plasticity, spatial memory and fear conditioning in mice
Chan, C.-S., Weeber E.J., Kurup S., Sweatt J.D., Davis R.L. - 2003
CREB-2 on synaptic plasticity and memory in mice
Chen, A., Muzzio I.A., Malleret G., Bartsch D., Verbitsky M., Pavlidis P., Yonan A.L., Vronskaya S., Grody M.B., Cepeda I., Gilliam T.C., Kandel E.R. - 2003
Hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial encoding - Commentary
Nathe, A.R., Frank L.M. - 2003
Hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial encoding
Dragoi, G., Harris K.D., Buzsaki G. - 2003
Interleukin 1 knockout mice: hippocampal long-term potentiation and prepulse facilitation, fear conditioning and spatial memory
Avital, A., Goshen I., Kamsler A., Segal M., Iverfeldt K., Richter-Levin G., Yirmiya R. - 2003
Protein kinase A activity and long-term potentiation during classical conditioning in Aplysia
Antonov, I., Antonova I., Kandel E.R., Hawkins R.D. - 2003
NMDA in entorhinal cortex long-term depression in rats
Kourrich, S., Chapman C.A. - 2003
Long-term potentiation in visual cortical projections to medial prefrontal cortex in rats
Kim, M.J., Chun S.-K., Kom Y.B., Mook-Jung I., Jung M.W. - 2003
Long-term potentiation maintenance - Review
Abraham, W.C., Williams J.M. - 2003
Small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel in hippocampus on age-related memory and long-term potentiation deficit in mice
Blank, T., Nijholt I., Kye M.-J., Radulovic J., Spiess J. - 2003
Fear conditioning and hippocampal plasticity in calcium calmodulin kinase II mutant mice
Wang, H., Shimizu E., Tang Y.-P., Cho M., Kyin M., Zuo W., Robinson D.A., Alaimo P.J., Zhang C., Morimoto H., Zhuo M., Feng R., Shokat K.M., Tsien J.Z. - 2003
Gene expression in hippocampus and contextual fear conditioning in mice
Rogelj, B., Hartmann C.E.A., Yeo C.H., Hunt S.P., Giese K.P. - 2003
NMDA, GABA receptors and protein synthesis on hippocampal long-term potentiation in rats
Remondes, M., Schuman E.M. - 2003
Stress and handling on hippocampal long-term potentiation in rats: glucocorticoid role
Korz, V., Frey J.U. - 2003
Acute stress, glucocorticoid and hippocampal long-term potentiation in rats
Yamada, K., McEwen B.S., Pavlides C. - 2003
GluR1 phosphorylation site mutant mice in spatial memory and hippocampal plasticity
Lee, H.-K., Takamiya K., Han J.-S., Man H., Kim C.-H., Rumbaugh G., Yu S., Ding L., He C., Petralia R.S., Wenthold R.J., Gallagher M., Huganir R.L. - 2003
AMPA and kainate receptors in hippocampal long-term potentiation and long-term depression: protein kinase C role - Review
Collingridge, G.L., Isaac J.T.R. - 2003
Synaptic plasticity and learning in Aplysia - Review
Roberts, A.C., Glanzman D.L. - 2003
Role of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase in hippocampal long-term potentiation and excitability in mice and rats
Selcher, J.C., Weeber E.J., Christian J., Nekrasova T., Landreth G.E., Sweatt J.D. - 2003
Vasopressin in hippocampal long-term potentiation in rats
Dubrovsky, B., Tatarinov A., Gijsbers K., Harris J., Tsiodras A. - 2003
Signaling cascades for long-term potentiation induction in rats
Yasuda, H., Barth A.L., Stellwagen D., Malenka R.C. - 2003
Integrins and NMDA antagonist on consolidation of hippocampal long-term potentiation in rats
Kramar, E.A., Lynch G. - 2003
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor on hippocampal long-term potentiation
Zakharenko, S.S., Patterson S.L., Dragatsis I., Zeitlin S.O., Siegelbaum S.A., Kandel E.R., Morozov A. - 2003
Dendritic protein synthesis in hippocampal long-term potentiation of mice
Bradshaw, K.D., Emptage N.J., Bliss T.V.P. - 2003
Adenosine receptors in long-term potentiation effects on hypoxia in rat's hippocampus
Youssef, F.I., Addae J.L., Stone T.W. - 2003
Synaptic plasticity and engramn formation - Review
Zhang, W., Linden D.J. - 2003