6-hydroxydopamine in dorsal noradrenergic bundle on extinction in rats
Mason, S.T., Iversen S.D. - 1975
Behavioral and endocrine responses in Brattleboro rats
Bohus, B., Van Wimersma Greidanus T.J.B., De Wied D. - 1975
Active avoidance acquisition, extinction and generalization of goal shock responding in rats
Hom, H.L., Babb H. - 1975
Rewarded operant conditioning and shock presentation in rats: extinction and reinstatement
Rescorla, R.A., Heth C.D. - 1975
Vasopressin on active and passive avoidance in rats
De Wied, D., Bohus B., Van Wimersma Greidanus Tj.B. - 1974
Vasopressin on active and classical avoidance responding in rats
King, A.R., De Wied D. - 1974
Pituitary-adrenal influences on avoidance and approach behavior of the rat - Review
Bohus, B. - 1973
Fluid intake, taste aversion and basolateral amygdala lesions in rats
Rolls, B.J., Rolls E.T. - 1973
Altered food preference and basolateral amygdala lesions in rats
Rolls, E.T., Rolls B.J. - 1973
Active and operant avoidance in rats
Lambert, J.V., Bersh P.J., Hineline P.N., Smith G.D. - 1973
Detention on exploration and avoidance in mice
Robustelli, F., Geller A., Jarvik M.E. - 1972
Vasopressin on active avoidance in rats
De Wied, D. - 1971
Sex differences in rats and avoidance extinction
Beatty, W.W., Beatty P.A., Bowman R.E. - 1971
"Response prevention" on activity and active avoidance expression and extinction in rats
Shipley, R.H., Mock L.A., Lewis D.J. - 1971
Cue exposure on active avoidance extinction in rats
Morokoff, P.J., Timberlake W. - 1971
Punishment-zone distinctiveness and generalization in rats
Brown, J.D., Beier E.M., Lewis R.W. - 1971
Avoidance extinction; flooding - Review
Baum, M. - 1970
Frontal and hippocampal lesions on brightness discrimination operant acquisition and extinction in rats
Kimble, D.P., Kimble R.J. - 1970
Punishment timing and passive avoidance extinction on dark-light box of rats
Randall, P.K., Riccio D.C. - 1969
Hippocampal and septal lesions on passive avoidance and spatila learning extinction in rats
Winocur, G., Mills J.A. - 1969
Hippocampal and cortical lesions on conditioned stimulus pre-exposure in active avoidance acquisition and extinction of rats
Ackil, J.E., Mellgren R.L., Halgren C., Frommer G.P. - 1969
"Blocking" on active avoidance response in rats
Coulter, X., Riccio D.C., H.A. Page - 1969
Pavlovian conditioned inhibition - Review
Rescorla, R.A. - 1969
Hippocampus and internal inhibition - Review
Kimble, D.P. - 1968
Avoidance operant responding in rats
Shnidman, S.R. - 1968
Schedule inducing active and operant avoidance in rats: resistence to extinction
Kintz, B.L., Bruning J.L. - 1967
Hippocampus and animal behavior - Review
Douglas, R.J. - 1967
Classical aversive conditioning latent inhibition in rats
Chacto, C., Lubow R.E. - 1967