Therapeutic approaches for memory impairment - Review
Hock, F.J. - 1995
Neuromodulation and cortical function - Review
Hasselmo, M.E. - 1995
Cholinergic and adrenergic pathways of medial septal area in response to angiotensin II and carbachol in rats
Barbosa, S.P., de Gobbi J.I.F., Zilioli L., Camargo L.A.D., Saad W.A., Renzi A., de Luca L.A. Jr., Vanderlei Menani J. - 1992
Cholecystokinin, arecoline, epinephrine on memory enhancing and stria terminalis lesions in mice
Flood, J.F., Merbaum M.O., Morley J.E. - 1995
β-adrenergic and muscarinic receptors on working and reference memory in rats
Kobayashi, M., Ohno M., Yamamoto T., Watanabe S. - 1995
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on amygdaloid and cortical choline acetyltransferase in rats
Mallet, P.E., Beninger R.J., Flesher S.N., Jhamandas K., Boegman R.J. - 1995
Caffeine attenuates scopolamine-induced memory deficit in humans
Riedel, W., Hogervost E., Leboux R., Verhey F., van Praag H., Jolles J. - 1995
Scopolamine infusion into anterior or posterior cingulate cortex on passive avoidance and water maze in rats
Riekkinen, P. Jr., Kuitunen J., Riekkinen M. - 1995
Scopolamine on consolidation and acquisition of conditioned freezing in rats
Young, S.L., Bohenek D.L., Fanselow M.S. - 1995
Scopolamine on acquisition of contextual fear conditioning in rats
Anagnostaras, S.G., Maren S., Fanselow M.S. - 1995
Scopolamine on memory for time in rats and pigeons
Santi, A., Weise L. - 1995
Scopolamine and p-chloroamphetamine on spatial working memory in rats
Santucci, A.C., Moody E., Demetriades J. - 1995
Glucose attenuation of atropine-induced deficit in REM sleep and memory in the rat
Stone, W.S., Rudd R.J., Gold P.E. - 1995
Steroid sulfatase inhibitor and scopolamine-induced amnesia in the rat
Li, P.K., Rhodes M.E., Jagannathan S., Johnson D.A. - 1995
c-Fos immunocytochemical evidence for acoustic pathway mapping in rats
Friauf , E. - 1995
Scopolamine into the olfactory bulb and olfactory memory in rats
Ravel, N., Elaagouby A., Gervais R. - 1994
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis and medial septum inactivation on working and reference memory - hippocamapl theta rhythm in rats
Givens, B., Olton D.S. - 1994
NMDA and cholinergic activity on memory in rats
Popik, P., Nalepa I., Mamczarz J., Vetulani J. - 1994
Unilateral nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions and cholinergic activity in rats
Abdulla, F.A., Calaminici M.R., Stephenson J.D., Sinden J.D. - 1994
Supra- and infra-callosal-hippocampal pathways on learning and behavior in the rat: cholinergic system
Jeltsch, H., Cassel J.C., Jackisch R., Neufang B., Greene P.L., Kelche C., Hertting G., Will B. - 1994
Nerve growth factor antibody into nucleus basalis magnocellularis: behavioral, biochemical, histological and electrophysiological effects in rats
Wenk, G.L., Stoehr J.D., Quintana G., Mobley S., Wiley R.G. - 1994
Nerve growth factor antibody into nucleus basalis magnocellularis and medial septum: differential effects on spatial navigation in rats
Berger-Sweeney, J., Heckers S., Mesulam M.-M., Wyley R.G., Lappi D.A., Sharma M. - 1994
Linopirdine improves performance in learning and memory of rats
Fontana, D.J., Inouye G.T., Johnson R.M. - 1994
AF64A unilateral intraventricular infusion: neuroanatomical and behavioral effects in rats
Maier, D.L., Isaacson R.L. - 1994
Rodent model of memory dysfunction
Ingram, D.K., Spangler E.L., Iijima S., Ikari H., Kuo H., Greig N.H., London E.D. - 1994
Muscarinic receptors and age-related brain disorders - Review
Ehlert, F.J., Roeske W.R., Yamamura H.I. - 1994
Memory disorders: novel treatments and clinical perspectives
Pepeu, G. - 1994
Substance P on acetylcholine in neostriatum and nucleus accumbens in rats
Boix, F., Pfister M., Huston J.P., Schwarting R.K.W. - 1994
Working memory and cholinergic effects in ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra in the rat
Levin, E.D., Briggs S.J., Christopher N.C., Auman J.T. - 1994
Septo-hippocampal and nucleus basalis magnocellularis-cortical cholinergic pathways in spatial working memory in mice
Durkin, T.P. - 1994