Systemic amphetamine on consolidation and reconsolidation of morphine place preference in rats
Blaiss, C.A., Janak P.H. - 2006
Eyeblink conditioning in rabbits: c-fos expression in acquisition and retrieval
Jimenez-Diaz, L., Sancho-Bielsa F.J., Gruart A., Lopez-Garcia C., Delgado-Garcia J.M. - 2006
Perirhinal and entorhinal cortex iun retrieval of human declarative memory - Commentary
Fernandez, G., Tendolkar I. - 2006
Brain activity and conditioned fear renewal in rats
Bruchey, A.K., Gonzalez-Lima F. - 2006
Event-related potentials correlates on retrieval orientation in humans
Hornberger, M., Rugg M.D., Henson R.N.A. - 2006
Event-related potentials correlates on retrieval in humans
Johnson, J.D., Rugg M.D. - 2006
Prefrontal neuron activity during retrieval in monkeys
Inoue, M., Mikami A. - 2006
Event-related potentials during recognition in humans
Wolk, D.A., Schacter D.L., Lygizos M., Sen N.M., Holcomb P.J., Daffner K.R., Budson A.E. - 2006
Electroencephalogam and memory in humans
Gruber, T., Muller M.M. - 2006
Systemic, intra-hippocampal and intra-anterior cingulate cortex anisomycin on recent and remote reactivation of fear conditioning in mice: effects of footshocks and re-exposure duration
Frankland, P.W., Ding H.-K., Takahashi E., Suzuki A., Kida S., Silva A.J. - 2006
Neuronal firing simulation model during memory retrieval
Anishchenko, A., Treves A. - 2006
Glucocorticoids on phobic fear in humans
Soravia, L.M., Heinrichs M., Aerni A., Maroni C., Schelling G., Ehlert U., Roozendaal B., de Quervain D.J.-F. - 2006
Post-reactivation corticosterone on fear conditioning memory in mice
Cai, W.-H., Blundell J., Han J., Greene R.W., Powell C.M. - 2006
Fear potentiated stratle extinction and reinstatement in humans
Norrholm, S.D., Jovanovic T., Vervliet B., Myers K.M., Davis M., Rothbaum B.O., Duncan E.J. - 2006
Anisomycin on reactivation of aversive conditioning in snails
Gainutdinova, T.Kh., Tagirova R.R., Ismailova A.I., Muranova L.N., Gainutdinov Kh.L., Balaban P.M. - 2006
Protein kinase A role in basolateral amygdala on fear conditioning reconsolidation in rats
Tronson, N.C., Wiseman S.L., Olausson P., Taylor J.R. - 2006
Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 on fear conditioning reconsolidation of mice
Cestari, V., Costanzi M., Castellano C., Rossi-Arnaud C. - 2006
Naloxone on fear conditioning in young rats
Weber, M., McNally G.P., Richardson R. - 2006
Stress on memory consolidation and retrieval in humans
Beckner, V.E., Tucker D.M., Delville Y., Mohr D.C. - 2006
Glu1 expression and blockade on reconsolidation of habituation in nematodes
Rose, J.K., Rankin C.H. - 2006
Learning and memory - Review
Aleksandrov, Yu.I. - 2006
Synaptic plasticity and long-term memory consolidation - Review
Arshavsky, Y.I. - 2006
Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade and memory - Review
Davis, S., Laroche S. - 2006
Sleep and memory - Review
Walker, M.P., Stickgold R. - 2006
Arousal on retrieval in humans
Anderson, A.K., Wais P.E., Gabrieli J.D.E. - 2006
Anisomycin and the reconsolidation hypothesis - Commentary
Rudy, J.W., Biedenkapp J.C., Moineau J., Bolding K. - 2006
Reconsolidation theory - Commentary
Dudai, Y. - 2006
Reconsolidation - Commentary
Eichenbaum, H. - 2006
Recall of mental sleep experience in humans
Cipolli, C., Fagioli I., Mazzetti M., Tuozzi G. - 2006
Reconsolidation phenomenon - Commentary
Fulton, D. - 2006