Reduced hippocampal commissure on long-term potentiation and fear conditioning extinction in mice
Schimanski, L.A., Wahlsten D., Nguyen P.V. - 2002
Brain vasopressin and extinction of conditioned taste aversion in rats
Brownson, E.A., Brinton R.D., Chambers K.C. - 2002
L-type voltage-gated calcium channels on extinction of fear conditioning in mice
Cain, C.K., Blouin A.M., Barad M. - 2002
Context and time of day on conditioned taste aversion memory extinction and latent inhibition in rats
Moron, I., Manrique T., Molero A., Ballesteros M.A., Gallo M., Fenton A. - 2002
Hippocampal inactivation on fear conditioning retrieval in rats
Corcoran, K.A., Maren S. - 2001
Muscarinic and β-adrenergic receptors, MAPK and protein synthesis in insular cortex on conditioned taste aversion learning and extinction in rats
Berman, D.E., Dudai Y. - 2001
Lateral amygdala cell recording in fear conditioning in rats
Repa, J.C., Muller J., Apergis J., Desrochers T.M., Zhou Y., LeDoux J.E. - 2001
Scopolamine on recovery of extinguished passive avoidance in rats
Roldan, G., Cobos-Zapianin G., Quirarte G.L., Prado-Alcalà R.A. - 2001
Protein synthesis inhibitor in hippocampus on consolidation and extinction of passive avoidance in rats
Vianna, M.R.M., Szapiro G., McGaugh J.L., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 2001
Anisomycin on acquisition and extinction of spatial navigation and contextual fear conditioning in rats
Lattal, K.M., Abel T. - 2001
Amygdala and nucleus accumbens inactivation on extinction of cocaine self-administration in rats
Grimm, J.W., See R.E. - 2000
Benzodiazepines on conditioned suppression in cholinergic basal forebrain lesioned rats
Stowell, J.R., Bernston G.G., Sarter M. - 2000
Hippocampal lesions on context after fear extinction in the rat
Frohardt, R.J., Guarraci F.A., Bouton M.E. - 2000
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex on extinction of conditioned fear in rats
Quirk, G.J., Russo G.K., Barron J.L., Lebron K. - 2000
Fornix, perirhinal cortex and posterhinal cortex lesions on operant conditioning and spatial learning in rats
Bussey, T.J., Dias R., Redhead E.S., Pearce J.M., Muir J.L., Aggleton J.P. - 2000
Training context and lever-press extinction in rats
Nakajima, S., Tanaka S., Urushihara K., Imada H. - 2000
Pavlovian fear conditioning extinction in humans
Lovibond, P.F., Davis N.R., O'Flaherty A.S. - 2000
Training context and fear conditioning extinction in rats
Tamai, N., Nakajima S. - 2000
Reinstatement of fear to an estinguished conditioned context in rats
Richardson, R., Duffield T.Q., Bailey G.K., Westbrook R.F. - 1999
Taste quality and extinction in conditioned taste aversion of rats
Bevins, R.A., Jensen H.C., Hinze T.S., Besheer J. - 1999
Generalization of contextual fear conditioning in different strains of mice: pre-exposure, extinction
Radulovic, J., Kammermeier J., Spiess J. - 1998
Conditioned inhibition of freezing and fear potentiated startle and medial prefrontal cortex lesions in rats
Gewirtz, J.C., Falls W.A., Davis M. - 1997
Inhibitory processes in sequential retrieval - Review
Campbell, J.I.D., Arbuthnott K.D. - 1996
Reversal of extinction by scopolamine in rats
Prado-Alcalà, R.A., Haiek M., Rivas S., Roldan-Roldan G., Quirarte G.L. - 1994
Conditioning, remembering and forgetting - Review
Bouton, M.E. - 1994
Forced extinction and consolidation gradient of passive avoidance in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Baldi E., Bucherelli C., Tassoni G. - 1993
Medial prefrontal cortex lesions on extinction of conditioned fear in rats
Morgan, M.A., Romanski L.M., LeDoux J.E. - 1993
Observational extinction and resistance to extinction in rats
Heyes, C.M., Jaldow E., Dawson G.R. - 1993
Interference paradigms in Pavlovian learning - Review
Bouton, M.E. - 1993