Left inferior frontal gyrus on verbal working memory in humans
Feredoes, E., Tononi G., Postle B.R. - 2006
Cortical activation and working memory in humans
Hampson, M., Driesen N.R., Skudlarski P., Gore J.C., Constable R.T. - 2006
Brain imaging and memory processing in humans - Review
Krause, B.J., Hautzel H., Schmidt D., Fluβ M.O., Poeppel T.D., Muller H.-W., Halsband U., Mottaghy F.M. - 2006
Brain activation during reading in humans
Mo, L., Liu H.-L., Jin H., Ng Y.-B., Lin C. - 2006
Prefrontal cortex activity during working memory in different age humans
Mattay, V.S., Fera F., Tessitore A., Hariri A.R., Berman K.F., Das S., Meyer-Lindenberg A., Goldberg T.E., Callicott J.H., Weinberger D.R. - 2006
Medial prefrontal cortex role in declarative memory consolidation in humans
Takashima, A., Petersson K.M., Rutters F., Tendolkar I., Jensen O., Zwarts M.J., McNaughton B.L., Fernandez G. - 2006
Encoding processes of explicit memory in humans
Schott, B.H., Richardson-Klavehn A., Henson R.N.A., Becker C., Heinze H.-J., Duzel E. - 2006
Functional magnetic resonance imaging and P300 analysis in human working memory
Bledowski, C., Kadosh K.C., Wibral M., Rahm B., Bittner R.A., Hoechstetter K., Scherg M., Maurer K., Goebel R., Linden D.E.J. - 2006
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in long-term and working-memory of humans
Blumenfeld, R.S., Ranganath C. - 2006
Neural mechanisms in visual short-term memory of humans
Xu, Y., Chun M.M. - 2005
Genetic cluster influencing memory performance and hippocampal activity in humans
De Quervain, D.J.-F., Papassotiropoulos A. - 2006
Remote spatial memory in humans - Review
Moscovitch, M., Nadel L., Winocur G., Gilboa A., Rosenbaum R.S. - 2006
Orienting attention in humans
Summerfield, J.J., Lepsien J., Gitelman D.R., Mesulam M.M., Nobre A.C. - 2006
Attention and memory in humans - Commentary
Dudukovic, N.M., Wagner A.D. - 2006
Implicit and explicit memory in humans
Turk-Browne, N.B., Yi D.-J., Chun M.M. - 2006
Brain imaging in humans'working memory studies - review
Schlosser, R.G.M., Wagner R., Sauer H. - 2006
Spatial working memory in primates - Review
Curtis, C.E. - 2006
Sleep deprivation on spatial memory in humans: hippocampal and striatal activity
Orban, P., Rauchs G., Balteau E., Degueldre C., Luxen A., Maquet P., Peigneux P. - 2006
Reward-motivated learning in humans
Adcock, R.A., Thangavel A., Whitfield-Gabrieli S., Knutson B., Gabrieli J.D.E. - 2006
Parietal cortex and memory in humans
Sommer, T., Rose M., Buchel C. - 2006
Brain activity during operant conditioning in humans
Magno, E., Foxe J.J., Molholm S., Robertson I.H., Garavan H. - 2006
Neurogenesis, spatial navigation and hippocampal function in rats of different age
Driscoll, I., Howard S.R., Stone J.C., Monfils M.H., Tomanek B., Brooks W.M., Sutherland R.J. - 2006
Perirhinal cortex role in object representation in humans
Taylor, K.I., Moss H.E., Stamatakis E.A., Tyler L.K. - 2006
Medial temporal lobe on old and new memories in humans
Daselaar, S.M., Fleck M.S., Prince S.E., Cabeza R. - 2006
Wakefulness and memory in humans: functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Peigneux, P., Orban P., Balteau E., Degueldre C., Luxen A., Laureys S., Maquet P. - 2006
Neocortical function and episodic memory in humans
Summerfield, C., Greene M., Wager T., Egner T., Hirsch J., Mangels J. - 2006
Fear conditioning in humans - Review
Delgado, M.R., Olssom A., Phelps E.A. - 2006
Cortical activity and working memory in humans of different age
Crone, E.A., Wendelken C., Donohue S., van Leijenhorst L., Bunge S.A. - 2006
Hippocampal glutamate on cerebral theta oscillations in humans
Gallinat, J., Kunz D., Senkowski D., Kienast T., Seifert F., Schubert F., Heinz A. - 2006
Cortical activity in making decision of humans
Daw, N.D., O'Doherty J.P., Dayan P., Seymour B., Dolan R.J. - 2006