Atropine in hippocampus on passive avoidance of young rats
Blozovski, D. - 1979
Neocortex involvement in immobility in infant rats: thermal control
Whishaw, I.Q., Schallert T., Kolb B. - 1979
Enriched environment on exploration in Roman high- and low-avoidance rats
Fumm, H., Driscoll P., Battig K. - 1978
Motor activity and age in the rat
Hofecker, G., Kment A., Niedermuller H. - 1978
Prefrontal cortex lesions at different age induce diverse deificit in the rat
Kolb, B., Nonneman A.J. - 1978
Active avoidance retrieval in rats of different age
Hassmannova, J., Myslivecek J., Rauserova O., Golasovska M. - 1977
Septal lesions and passive avoidance in rats
Bengelloun, W.A., Burright R.G., Donovick P.J. - 1977
Circadian feeding and drinking in normal and blinded rats of different age
Zucker, I. - 1971
Stress, illumination and age on exploratory activity in rats
Livesey, P.J., Egger G.J. - 1970
Sex, age and strain on avoidance, open field and maze exploration in rats
Barrett, R.J., Ray O.S. - 1970
Age, sex and strain on pain threshold in rats
Paré, W.P. - 1969
The behavior of African giant rat
Ewer, R.F. - 1967