Brain imaging in copying and drawing from memory
Ferber, S., Mraz R., Baker N., Graham S.J. - 2007
Brain imaging and instrumental conditioning in humans
Bray, S., Shimojo S., O'Doherty J.P. - 2007
Memory trace stabilization on retrieval network in humans
Takashima, A., Nieuwenhuis I.L.C., Rijpkema M., Petersson K.M., Jensen O., Fernandez G. - 2007
Medial temporal lobe activity during working memory in humans
Axmacher, N., Mormann F., Fernandez G., Cohen M.X., Elger C.E., Fell J. - 2007
Medial temporal lobe activation during associative memory in humans
Achim, A.M., Bertrand M.-C., Montoya A., Malla A.K., Lepage M. - 2007
Medial temporal lobe and retreival in humans
Peters, J., Suchan B., Koster O., Daum I. - 2007
Hippocampal and medial prefrontal cortex activation during spatial orientation in humans
Wolbers, T., Wiener J.M., Mallot H.A., Buchel C. - 2007
Learning by doing: brain imaging in humans
Marco-Pallares, J., Muller S.V., Munte T.F. - 2007
Near-infrared spectroscopy imaging in human brain
Sanefuji, M., Nakashima T., Kira R., Iwayama M., Torisu H., Sakai Y., Hara T. - 2007
Hippocampal, entorhinal, perirhinal and parahippocampal role in human memory
Kirwan, C.B., Stark C.E.L. - 2007
Brain activation during spatial and temporal episodic memory retrieval in humans
Ekstrom, A.D., Bookheimer S.Y. - 2007
Cortical electromagnetic indication of emotional fear in humans
Buodo, G., Peyk P., Junghofer M., Palomba D., Rockstroh B. - 2007
Preparatory neural activity in human brain during a conflict resolution
Stern, E.R., Wager T.D., Egner T., Hirsch J., Mangels J.A. - 2007
Cortical activity and object and spatial working memory in humans
Landau, S.M., Garavan H., Schumacher E.H., D'Esposito M. - 2007
Human cortical activity during feature and spatial information
Stoppel, C.M., Biehler C.N., Sabelhaus C., Heinze H.-J., Hopf J.M., Schoenfeld M.A. - 2007
Sleep on cerebral trace of declarative memory in humans
Gais, S., Albouy G., Boly M., Dang-Vu T.T., Darsaud A., Desseilles M., Rauchs G., Schabus M., Sternpenich V., Vandewalle G., Marquet P., Peigneux P. - 2007
Prefrontal cortex on cognition in humans
Rowe, J.B., Sakai K., Lund T.E., Ramsay T., Christensen M.S., Baare W.F.C., Paulson O.B., Passingham R.E. - 2007
Lateral prefrontal cortex and visual object working memory in humans
Yoon, J.H., Hoffman J.N., D'Esposito M. - 2007
D4 dopaminergic receptor role in human prefrontal cortex activation
Hermann, M.J., Walter A., Schreppel T., Ehlis A.-C., Pauli P., Lesch K.-P., Fallgatter A.J. - 2007
Neural basis of episodic memory in humans
Hassabis, D., Kumaran D., Maguire E.A. - 2007
Brain activation and recognition in humans
Greene, A.J., Gross W.L., Eisenberg C.L., Rao S.M. - 2007
Voluntary exercise on hippocampal neurogenesis in mice
Pereira, A.C., Huddleston D.E., Brickman A.M., Sosunov A.A., Hen R., McKhann G.M., Sloan R., Gage F.H., Brown T.R., Small S.A. - 2007
Sleep and memory - Review
Hennevin, E., Huetz C., Edeline J.-M. - 2007
Neural basis of cognition: brain imaging in primates - Review
Nakahara, K., Adachi Y., Osada T., Miyashita Y. - 2007
Taste and rat gustatory cortex imaging
Accolla, R., Bathellier B., Petersen C.C.H., Carleton A. - 2007
Retrosplenial cortex and hippocampus in human navigation
Iaria, G., Chen J.-K., Guariglia C., Ptito A., Petrides M. - 2007
Prefrontal emodynamic response to emotional stress in men and women
Yang, H., Zhou Z., Liu Y., Ruan Z., Gong H., Luo Q., Lu Z. - 2007
Brain imaging and working memory in humans
McMillan, K.M., Laird A.R., Witt S.T., Meyerand M.E. - 2007
Remote memory - Review
Squire, L.R., Bayley P.J. - 2007
Frontal cortex activity during working memory in monkeys
Kojima, T., Onoe H., Hikosaka K., Tsutsui K., Tsukada H., Watanabe M. - 2007