Serotonergic and dopaminergic system modulation of stereotyped and non-stereotyped behavior in rats
Dickinson, S.L., Curzon G. - 1983
Intracerebroventricular serotonin or tryptamine on spontaneous motor activity in rats
Dourish, C.T., Greenshaw A.J. - 1983
Hepatic encephalopathy on circadian locomotion, feeding, drinking, active avoidance and pain sensitivity in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Bucherelli C., Carassale G.L., Giachetti A., Lombardi G., Pellegrini D. - 1983
Brain serotonin depletion on resistance to punishment in rats
Davis, N.M., Gray J.A. - 1983
Intra-nucleus raphe magnus serotonin on neuronal rate firing and nociception in rats
Llewelyn, M.B., Azami J., Roberts M.H.T. - 1983
Intrathecally serotonin or substance P on hindlimb scratching behavior in mice
Fasmer, O.B., Berge O.-G., Hole K. - 1983
Tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine on locomotor activity and brain norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in mice
Gibson, C.J., Deikel S.M., Young S.N., Binik Y.M. - 1982
Norepinrphrine, serotonin and dopamine on circadian rhythms in mice
Kempf, E., Mandel P., Oliverio A., Puglisi-Allegra S. - 1982
Systemic dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin injection on monamine levels in rats
Tikal, K., Hvizdosova J. - 1982
Cholinergic system and passive avoidance - Review
Bammer, G. - 1982
Systemic parachloroamphetamine on active and passive avoidance and fear conditioning in rats
Ogren, S.-O., Johansson C., Johansson G., Archer T. - 1982
REM sleep deprivation on passive avoidance learning in rats: cholinergic and catecholaminergic modulation
Harris, P.F., Overstreet D.H., Orbach J. - 1982
β-adrenergic antagonists on brain serotonin levels in rats
Hallberg, H., Almgren O., Svenssen T.H. - 1982
Electrolytic or serotonergic damage of midbrain raphe nucleri on locomotor activity and ingestive behavior in rats
Heym, J., Gladfelter W.E. - 1982
Lithium and biochemical circadian rhythms in rats
McEachron, D.L., Kripke D.F., Hawkins R., Haus E., Pavlinac D., Deftos L. - 1982
Neurohypophyseal corticotropin-releasing factor activity of Brattleboro rats
Karteszi, M., Makara G.B., Laszlo F.A., Rappay G., Stark E. - 1982
Intra-substantia nigra substance P and L-glutamic acid on basal ganglia serotonin release in cats
Reisine, T., Soubrie P., Artaud F., Glowinski J. - 1982
Circadian pineal gland serotonin and melatonin in rats
Young, S.N., Anderson G.M. - 1982
Serotonin in diffuse noxious inhibitory controls
Chitour, D., Dickerson A.H., LeBars D. - 1982
Nucleus accumbens on locomotor activity in rats
Jones, D.L., Mogenson G.J., Wu M. - 1981
ACTH and glucocorticoids on locomotion activity and circadian rhythms in rats
Szafarczyk, A., Ixart G., Alonso G., Malaval F., Nouguier-Soule J., Assenmacher I. - 1981
Intra-medial raphe nucleus 5,6-DHT injection on active avoidance and locomotor activity in rats: clonidine effects
Kostowski, W., Plaznik A., Pucilowski O., Bidzinski A., Hauptmann M. - 1981
Dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin on stress in the rat - Review
Weiss, J.M., Goodman P.A., Losito B.G., Corrigan S., Charry J.M., Bailey W.H. - 1981
Hepatic encephalopathy on locomotion and brain serotonin metabolism in rats
Tricklebank, M.D., Bloxam D.L., Kantamaneni B.D., Curzon G. - 1981
Substance P and serotonin coexistence in rats
Pelletier, G., Steinbusch H.W.M., Verhofstad A.A.J. - 1981
Neurochemistry of learning and memory - Review
Dunn, A.J. - 1980
Neurotransmitters and neuromodulation of peptides - Review
Hokfelt, T., Johansson O., Ljungdahl A., Lundberg J.M., Schultzberg M. - 1980
Cerebral dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in Brattleboro rats
Kovacs, G.L., Szabo G., Szontagh L., Medve L., Telegdy G., Lazlo F.A. - 1980
Turning behavior in animals - Review
Pycock, C.J. - 1980
Midbrain raphe nuclei lesions, active avoidance activity and 5-HT levels in rats
Plaznik, A., Kostowski W., Bidzinski A., Hauptmann M. - 1980