Intra-nucleus accumbens D-amphetamine or dopamine antagonist on blocking in fear conditioning of rats
Iordanova, M.D., Westbrook R.F., Killcross A.S. - 2006
Extinguished conditioned stimulus on competition with another conditioned stimulus in rat's conditioned taste aversion
Bills, C.H., Dopheide M., Pineno O., Schachtman T.R. - 2006
Glucocorticoids on phobic fear in humans
Soravia, L.M., Heinrichs M., Aerni A., Maroni C., Schelling G., Ehlert U., Roozendaal B., de Quervain D.J.-F. - 2006
Systemic phosphodiesterase inhibitor on hippocampal CREB and Arc and retention and extinction of fear conditioning in rats
Monti, B., Berteotti C., Contestabile A. - 2006
Acquisition and extinction of fear potentiated startle in rats
Myers, K.M., Ressler K.J., Davis M. - 2006
Extinction of fear - Commentary
Barad, M. - 2006
GABA-B1 receptor role in conditioned taste aversion of mice
Jacobson, L.H., Kelly P.H., Bettler B., Kaupmann K., Cryan J.F. - 2006
Post-reactivation corticosterone on fear conditioning memory in mice
Cai, W.-H., Blundell J., Han J., Greene R.W., Powell C.M. - 2006
Cocaine on fear conditioning extinction in rats
Burke, K.A., Franza T.M., Gugsa N., Schoenbaum G. - 2006
L-type voltage-gated calcium channel on fear conditioning consolidation and extinction - Commentary
Barad, M. - 2006
L-type voltage-gated calcium channel on consolidation and extinction of fear conditioning in mice
McKinney, B.C., Murphy G.G. - 2006
Ethanol on fear conditioning in rats: effects of D-cycloserine on extinction
Bertotto, M.E., Bustos S.G., Molina V.A., Martijena L.D. - 2006
Fear potentiated stratle extinction and reinstatement in humans
Norrholm, S.D., Jovanovic T., Vervliet B., Myers K.M., Davis M., Rothbaum B.O., Duncan E.J. - 2006
Immediate and delayed extinction of fear conditioning in rats
Maren, S., Chang C. - 2006
Fear potentiated startle extinction and reinstatement in humans
Norrholm, S.D., Jovanovic T., Vervliet B., Myers K.M., Davis M., Rothbaum B.O., Duncan E.J. - 2006
Inactivation of brachium conjuctivum on rabbit's eyeblink conditioning extinction
Nilaweera, W.U., Zenitsky G.D., Bracha V. - 2005
Dorsal hippocampus on acquisition and extinction of fear conditioning in rats
Corcoran, K.A., Desmond T.J., Frey K.A., Maren S. - 2005
Retrieval role for extinction of rat's contextual fear conditioning: role of adrenergic system
Ouyang, M., Thomas S.A. - 2005
Systemic β-adrenergic agonist and antagonist on reinstatement of extinguished fear in rats
Morris, R.W., Westbrook R.F., Killcross A.S. - 2005
Amygdalar gephyrin and GABA-A receptor role in acquisition and extinction of rat's fear conditioning
Chhatwal, J.P., Myers K.M., Ressler K.J., Davis M. - 2005
Basolateral and central amygdala on Pavlovian and instrumental cues in rats
Corbit, L.H., Balleine B.W. - 2005
Cocaine craving model and extracellular signal-regulated kinase in amygdala - Commentary
Carrasquillo, Y., Sweatt J.D. - 2005
Amygdala extracellular signal-regulated kinase expression and cocaine craving in rats
Lu, L., Hope B.T., Dempsey J., Liu S.Y., Bossert J.M., Shaham Y. - 2005
Intra-basolateral amygdala phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase or mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors and actinomycin D or anisomycin block fear conditioning and fear-potentiated startle extinction facilitation induced by systemic D-cycloserine in rats
Yang, Y.L., Lu K.T. - 2005
Fear memory and plasticity in different strains of mice
Schimanski, L.A., Nguyen P.V. - 2005
Retrieval and extinction of memory - Review
Cammarota, M., Bevilaqua L.R.M., Barros D.M., Vianna M.R.M.,. Izquierdo L.A, Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 2005
Pre- and post-training amygdala lesions on fear conditioning in rats
Anglada-Figueroa, D., Quirk G.J. - 2005
Amygdala and prefrontal cortex lesions on operant conditioning of monkeys
Izquierdo, A., Murray E.A. - 2005
Behavioral and neural analysis of predator odor-induced fear - Review
Takahashi, L.K., Nakashima B.R., Hong H., Watanabe K. - 2005
Basolateral amygdala role in heroin place preference reconditioning in rats
Rizos, Z., Ovari J., Leri F. - 2005