Hippocampal long-term potentiation during exploration in rats
Wu, Y., Sutherland R.J. - 2006
Hippocampal neurogenesis on fear conditioning, Morris water maze performance and long-term potentiation in mice
Saxe, M.D., Battaglia F., Wang J.-W., Malleret G., David D.J., Monckton J.E., Garcia A.D.R., Sofroniev M.V., Kandel E.R., Santarelli L., Hen R., Drew M.R. - 2006
Cbl-b proteins in hippocampal plasticity, locomotion and spatial learning of mice
Tan, D.P., Liu Q.-Y., Koshiya N., Gu H., Alkon D. - 2006
Hippocampal long-term potentiation during footshock presentation, exploration and avoidance conditioning in rats
Whitlock, J.R., Heynen A.J., Shuler M.G., Bear M.F. - 2006
Ghrelin on hippocampal plasticity and memory in mice
Diano, S., Farr S.A., Benoit S.C., McNay E.C., da Silva I., Horvath B., Gaskin F.S., Nonaka N., Jaeger L.B., Banks W.A., Morley L.E., Pinto S., Sherwin R.S., Xu L., Yamada K.A., Sleeman M.W., Tschop M.A., Horvath T.L. - 2006
Avoidance learning and synaptic plasticity in CREB deficient mice
Pittenger, C., Fasano S., Mazzocchi-Jones D., Dunnett S.B., Kandel E.R., Brambilla R. - 2006
Environmental enrichment on spatial learning, passive avoidance, hippocampal plasticity and neurogranin expression in mice
Huang, F.L., Huang K.-P., Wu J., Boucheron C. - 2006
Verapamil on hippocampal excitability and passive avoidance in rats
Lashgari, R., Motamedi F., Asl S.Z., Shahidi S., Komaki A. - 2006
Glycoproteins on cortico-striatal long-term potentiation and long-term depression and active avoidance in mice: role of NMDA and GABA
Marrone, M.C., Marinelli S., Biamonte F., Keller F., Sgobio C.A., Ammassari-Teule M., Bernardi G., Mercuri N.B. - 2006
Leptin on passive avoidance, Morris water maze performance, hippocampal long-term potentiation and calcium-calmodulin kinase II in rats
Oomura, Y., Hori N., Shiraishi T., Fukunaga K., Takeda H., Tsuji M., Matsumiya T., Ishibashi M., Aou S., Li X.L., Kohno D., Uramura K., Sougawa H., Yada T., Wayner M.J., Sasaki K. - 2006
Cannabinoids on cerebellar long-term potentiation in rats
Van Beugen, B.J., Nagaraja R.Y., Hansel C. - 2006
Endocannabinoids and synaptic plasticity in central nervous system - Review
Chevaleyre, V., Takahashi K.A., Castillo P.E. - 2006
Protein synthesis inhibition on striatal long-term depression in rats
Yin, H.H., Davis M.I., Ronesi L.A., Lovinger D.M. - 2006
Fimbria-fornix lesions on hippocampal long-term potentiation of rats
Almaguer-Melian, W., Rosillo J.C., Frey J.U., Bergado J.A. - 2006
Hippocampal function: learning and plasticity - Review
Morris, R.G.M. - 2006
Long-term potentiation in hippocampus-medial prefrontal cortex pathway on fear conditioning extinction in rats: effects of medial prefrontal cortex lesions
Farinelli, M., Deschaux O., Hugues S., Thevenet A., Garcia R. - 2006
Hippocampal-medial prefrontal cortex pathway plasticity in rats
Kawashima, H., Izaki Y., Grace A.A., Takita M. - 2006
Enriched environments, plasticity and nervous system disorders - Review
Nithianantharajah, J., Hannan A.J. - 2006
Habenula lesions on fimbria-accumbens pathway excitability in rats
Lecourtier, L., Deschaux O., Arnaud C., Chessel A., Kelly P.H., Garcia R. - 2006
Traumatic brain injury on hippocampal plasticity in mice
Schwarzbach, E., Bonislawski D.P., Xiong G., Cohen A.S. - 2006
Extracellular signal-regulated kinase role in cerebellar long-term depression of mice
Ito-Ishida, A., Kakegawa W., Yuzaki M. - 2006
Calcium-calmodulin kinase IV on cerebellar long-term depression in mice - Commentary
Lee, K.H., Thompson R.F. - 2006
α-calcium-calmodulin kinase II on cerebellar long-term depression and motor learning in mice
Hansel, C., de Jeu M., Belmeguenal A., Houtman S.H., Buitendijk G.H.S., Andreev D., De Zeeuw C.I., Elgersma Y. - 2006
Long-term potentiation, long-term depression at cerebellar synapses - Review
Jorntell, H., Hansel C. - 2006
β1-integrinson AMPA-dependent hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial working memory in mice
Chan, C.-S., Weeber E.J., Zong L., Fuchs E., Sweatt J.D., Davis R.L. - 2006
Methyl CpG binding protein 2 on hippocampal long-term potentiation, cortical excitability, social memory, fear conditioning and spatial navigation in mice
Moretti, P., Levenson J.M., Battaglia F., Atkinson R., Teague R., Antalffy B., Armstrong D., Arancio O., Sweatt J.D., Zoghbi H.Y. - 2006
Intracerebroventricular N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist on hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial learning consolidation in rats
Day, M., Langston R.F. - 2006
T4 on hippocampal plasticity and spatial learning of rats
Gilbert, M.E., Sui L. - 2006
Hippocampal plasticity, spatial memory and fear conditioning in small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel type 2 knockout mice
Hammond, R.S., Bond C.T., Strassmaier T., Ngo-Anh T.J., Adelman J.P., Maylie J., Stackman R.W. - 2006
Neuropsin on spatial memory and hippocampal long-term potentiation in mice
Tamura, H., Ishikawa Y., Hino N., Maeda M., Yoshida S., Kaku S., Shiosaka S. - 2006