Serotonergic regulation of associative learning - Review
Harvey, J.A. - 1996
Serotonergic control of feeding and satiety - Review
Simansky, K.J. - 1996
Serotonin and freezing in conditioned fear
Inoue, T., Tsuchiya K., Koyama T. - 1996
Serotonergic-cholinergic interactions and cognitive behavior - Review
Steckler, T., Sahgal A. - 1995
Serotonergic modulation of cholinergic function in the central nervous system - Review
Cassel, J.C., Jeltsch H. - 1995
Neuromodulation and cortical function - Review
Hasselmo, M.E. - 1995
Hippocampal 5-HT1 receptors stimulation on rat's exploratory activity
Buhot, M.C., Naili S. - 1995
Rat's red nucleus lesions on stereotipy and catecholamin levels
Kolasa, K., Consolo S., Costi P., Kleinrok Z., Zecca L. - 1995
Lesions of serotonergic neurons of nucleus basalis magnocellularis and frontal cortex on passive avoidance amnesia by p-chloroamphetamine in rats
Santucci, A.C., Knott P.J., Haroutunian V. - 1995
Scopolamine and p-chloroamphetamine on spatial working memory in rats
Santucci, A.C., Moody E., Demetriades J. - 1995
Serotonin antagonist on hippocampal theta, memory and long-term potentiation in rats
Staubli, U., Xu F.B. - 1995
Conditioned fear stress and serotonin prefrontal cortex release in rats
Yoshioka, M., Matsumoto M., Togashi H., Saito H. - 1995
Serotonin agonist into dorsal raphe nucleus on freezing and escape by footshocks in rats
Maier, S.F., Grahn R.E., Watkins L.R. - 1995
Fluoxetine on learning and memory involves multiple serotonergic systems in rats
Meneses, A., Hong E. - 1995
Serotonin and octopamine in touch sensory neurons of leech
Catarsi, S., Scuri R., Brunelli M. - 1995
Serotonin on facilitation in Aplysia
Ghirardi, M., Montarolo P.G., Kandel E.R. - 1995
Spatial learning in aged rats: neuroanatomical and neurochemical correlates
Lee, J.M., Ross E.R., Gower A., Paris J.M., Marensson R., Lorens S.A. - 1994
Imipramine on exploration, locomtion and food-water intake in rats
Mogensen, J., Pedersen T.K., Holm S. - 1994
Medial septum and serotonin afferents to the hippocampus lesions in rats: mnemonic effects
Murtha, S.J.E., Pappas B.A. - 1994
Serotonergic drugs on short-term spatial memory in rats
Jansen, J.H.M., Andrews J.S. - 1994
Dopamine and serotonin after stress in rat brain
Inoue, T., Tsuchiya K., Koyama T. - 1994
Phencyclidine on catecholamines in dorsolateral striatum of rats
Lillrank, S.M., O'Connor W.T., Saransaari P., Ungerstedt U. - 1994
Serotonin and interleukin on protein phosphorylation in leeches
Bottai, D., Garcia-Gil M., Zaccardi M.L., Fineschi L., Brunelli M. - 1994
8-OH-DPAT on learning and memory in rats
Meneses, A., Hong E. - 1994
p-chlorophenilalanine and methysergide on working memory in rats
Jakala, P., Sirvio J., Riekkinen P. Jr., Riekkinen P.J. Sr. - 1993
Conditioned fear stress and serotonin metabolism in rats
Inoue, T., Koyama T., Yamashita I. - 1993
cAMP on serotonergic pump in leech's tactile sensory neurons
Catarsi, S., Scuri R., Brunelli M. - 1993