Brain white matter and working memory training in humans
Takeuchi, H., Sekiguchi A., Taki Y., Yokoyama S., Yomogida Y., Komuro N., Yamanouchi T., Suzuki S., Kawashima R. - 2010
Neurofibromatosis type 1 gene on cortico-striatal network during learning
Shilyansky, C., Karlsgodt K.H., Cummings D.M:, Sidiropoulou K., Hardt M., James A.S., Ehninger D., Bearden C.E., Poirazi P., Jentsch J.D., Cannon T.D., Levine M.S., Silva A.J. - 2010
Hippocampus and perirhinal cortex role in recognition memory - Review
Brown, M.W., Warburton E.C., Aggleton J.P. - 2010
Medial temporal lobe on familiarity and recollection - Review
Montaldi, D., Mayes A.R. - 2010
Theories of recognition memory - Review
Henson, R.N., Gagnepain P. - 2010
Perirhinal cortex and implicit memory in humans
Wang, W.-C., Lazzara M.M., Ranganath C., Knight R.T., Yonelinas A.P. - 2010
Orbitofrontal cortex lesions on bed nucleus of stria terminalis activity related to fear expression in monkeys
Fox, A.S., Shelton S.E., Oakes T.R., Converse A.K., Davidson R.J., Kalin N.H. - 2010
Parietal cortex activity in perception and memory task of humans
Sestieri, C., Shulman G.L., Corbetta M. - 2010
Systemic physostigmine on frontal and visual cortices activity and visual working memory in young and old humans
Ricciardi, E., Pietrini P., Schapiro M.B., Rapoport S.I., Furey M.L. - 2009
ADRA2B gene on emotional memories of humans
Rasch, B., Spalek K., Buholzer S., Luechinger R., Boesinger P., Papassotiropoulos A., de Quervain D.J.-F. - 2009
Medial temporal lobe activity during retrieval of old memories in humans
Smith, C.N., Squire L.R. - 2009
Asymmetrical amygdala responding in conditioning of humans
Polli, F.E., Wright C.I., Milad M.R., Dickerson B.C., Vangel M., Barton J.J.S., Rauch S.L., Manoach D.S. - 2009
Fronto-limbic activity during emotional stimuli presentation in humans
Root, J.C., Tuescher O., Cunningham-Bussel A., Pan H., Epstein J., Altemus M., Cloitre M., Goldstein M., Silverman M., Furman D., LeDoux J., McEwen B., Stern E., Silbersweig D. - 2009
Gray-matter differences and recognition under emotional state in humans
Marchewka, A., Jednorog K., Nowicka A., Brechmann A., Grabowska A. - 2009
fMRI and amygdala activation in humans - Technique
Ball, T., Derix J., Wentlandt J., Wieckhorst B., Speck O., Schulze-Bonhage A., Mutschler I. - 2009
Attentional-associative learning model and brain activation in human fear conditioning
Dunsmoor, J.E., Schmajuk N. - 2009
Amygdala activity and emotion in humans
Wiethoff, S., Wildgruber D., Grodd W., Ethofer T. - 2009
Sleep and delay on neuronal reorganization of remote emotional memory in humans
Sterpenich, V., Albouy G., Darsaud A., Schnidt C., Vanderwalle G., Desseilles T.T.D. Vu. M., Phillips C., Degueldre C., Balteau E., Collette F., Luxen A., Maquet P. - 2009
Amygdala activation and fear reaction in humans
Gamer, M., Buchel C. - 2009
Amygdala-prefrontal pathway and anxiety in humans
Kim, M.J., Whalen P.J. - 2009
Neural organization od defensive fear systems in humans
Mobbs, D., Marchant J.L., Hassabis D., Seymour B., Tan G., Gray M., Petrovic P., Dolan R.J., Frith C.D. - 2009
D2 receptor activity and emotional processing in humans
Blasi, G., Lo Bianco L., Taurisano P., Gelao B., Romano R., Fazio L., Papazacharias A., Di Giorgio A., Caforio G., Rampino A., Masellis R., Papp A., Ursini G., Sinibaldi L., Popolizio T., Sadee W., Bertolino A. - 2009
Amygdala and ventral visual cortex activity during emotional discrimination in humans
Sabatinelli, D., Lang P.J., Bradley M.M., Costa V.D., Keil A. - 2009
Neural evidences in learning of spatial sequences of humans
Schwarb, H., Schumacher E.H. - 2009
Age-dependent brain activation in working memory of humans
Holtzer, R., Rakitin B.C., Steffener J., Flynn J., Kumar A., Stern Y. - 2009
Dopamine gene expression in human reward system
Dreher, J.-C., Kohn P., Kolachana B., Weinberger D.R., Berman K.F. - 2009
Brain activation in learning and remembering of humans
Huijbers, W., Pennartz C.M., Cabeza R., Daselaar S.M. - 2009
Stress and prefrontal activity in humans
Liston, C., McEwen B.S., Casey B.J. - 2009
Brain activity and visuo-spatial working memory in humans
Geier, C.F., Garver K., Terwilliger R., Luna B. - 2009