Calcineurin, zif268 and fos activation in the amygdala and insular cortex during conditioned taste aversion acquisition and extinction in mice
Baumgartel, K., Genoux D., Welzl H., Tweedie-Cullen R.Y., Koshibu K., Livingstone-Zatchej M., Mamie C., Mansuy I.M. - 2008
Prefrontal-amygdala excitability in acquisition and extinction of Pavlovian conditioned fear - Commentary
Rabinak, C.A., Zimmerman J.M., Chang C., Orsini C.A. - 2008
Cortico-amygdala gene expression during extinction of aversive conditioning in different mouse strains
Hefner, K., Whittle N., Juhasz J., Norcross M., Karlsson R.-M., Saksida L.M., Bussey T.J., Singewald N., Holmes A. - 2008
Intra-infralimbic medial prefrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala D1 antagonist on extinction of fear conditioning in rats
Hikind, N., Maroun M. - 2008
Brain activity during conditioned fear acquisition and extinction in humans
Delgado, M.R., Nearing K.L., LeDoux J.E., Phelps E.A. - 2008
Environmental enrichment on conditioned place preference to cocaine in mice: brain c-fos expression
Solinas, M., Chauvet C., Thiriet N., El Rawas R., Jaber M. - 2008
Amygdala and prefrontal cortex c-fos expression during fear conditioning extinction in high and low anxiety behavior rats
Muigg, P., Hetzenauer A., Hauer G., Hauschild M., Gaburro S., Frank E., Landgrat R., Singewald N. - 2008
Amygdala intercalated cells lesions on fear conditioning extinction in rats
Likhtik, E., Popa D., Apergis-Schoute J., Fidacaro G.A. Jr., Parè D. - 2008
Postnatal stress on fear conditioning extinction in adult rats: NMDA agonists, 5-HT1A agonist and diazepam effects
Matsumoto, M., Togashi H., Konno K., Koseki H., Hirata R., Izumi T., Yamaguchi T., Yoshioka M. - 2008
Hippocampal lesions on exploration, spatial memory and operant conditioning extinction in mice
Dillon, G.M., Qu X., Marcus J.N., Dodart J.-C. - 2008
Exploration and operant avoidance conditioning acquisition and extinction in rats of different strains
Servatius, R.J., Jiao X., Beck K.D., Pang K.C.H., Minor T.R. - 2008
Spatial memory extinction and related hippocampal and frontal neurotrophins in adult and aged rats
Topic, B., Huston J.P., Namestkova K., Zhu S.-W., Mohammed A.H., Schulz D. - 2008
L-type calcium channel on locomotion and fear conditioning extinction in mice
Busquet, P., Hetzenauer A., Sinnegger-Brauns M.J., Striessnig J., Singewald N. - 2008
L-type calcium channel inhibition on plasmic corticosterone, fear conditioning acquisition and extinction in mice
Waltereit, R., Mannhardt S., Nescholta S., Maser-Gluth C., Bartsch D. - 2008
L-type calcium channel in consolidation and extinction of fear conditioning in mice
McKinney, B.C., Sze W., White J.A., Murphy G.G. - 2008
Transcription factor nuclear factor-κB inhibition on avoidance extinction in crabs
Merlo, E., Romano A. - 2008
CB1 receptor on fear conditioning extinction in rats
Pamplona, F.A., Bitencourt R.M., Takahashi R.N. - 2008
Striatal and hippocampal CB1 receptor role in c-fos expression in spatial task acquisition and extinction in rats
Rueda-Orozco, P.E., Montes-Rodriguez C.J., Soria-Gomez E., Mendez-Diaz M., Prospero-Garcia O. - 2008
Hippocampal L-type calcium channels and CB1 receptors on fear conditioning reconsolidation in mice: CREB and protein synthesis role
Suzuki, A., Mukuwa T., Tsukagoshi A., Frankland P.W., Kida S. - 2008
CB1 antagonists on appetitive and aversive Barnes maze extinction in mice
Harloe, J.P., Thorpe A.J., Lichtman A.H. - 2008
CB1 agonist on prefrontal excitability and fear potentiated stratle extinction in rats
Lin, H.-C., Mao S.-C., Chen P.-S., Gean P.-W. - 2008
Operant conditioning, conditioned emotional response and fear conditioning in mGluR7 knockout mice
Goddyn, H., Callaerts-Vegh Z., Stroobants S., Dirikx T., Vansteenwegen D., Harmans D., van der Putten H., D'Hooge R. - 2008
Extinction of conditioned emotional response and operant conditioning in rats
Woods, A.M., Bouton M.E. - 2008
Pre- and post-extinction hippocampal lesions on fear conditioning performance in rats
Ji, J., Maren S. - 2008
Entorhinal cortex and fornix lesions on fear conditioning extinction in the rat
Ji, J., Maren S. - 2008
Intra-hippocampal subconvulsive dose of kainate acid on spatial learning in rats
Arkhipov, V., Kulesskaja N., Lebedev D. - 2008
Neonatal inflammation on NMDA receptor expression, fear conditioning and spatial learning in rats of different age
Harrè, E.-M., Galic M.A., Mouihate A., Noorbakhsh F., Pittman Q.J. - 2008
Hippocampal plasticity, spatial learning, fear extinction and extracellular signal-regulated kinase expression in Rap2 transgenic mice
Ryu, J., Futai K., Feliu M., Weinberg R., Sheng M. - 2008
Recent and remote spatial memory extinction in rats
Lopez, J., Pereira de Vasconcelos A., Cassel J.-C. - 2008
α-calcium calmodulin kinase II role in fear conditioning and Morris water maze extinction of mice
Kimura, R., Silva A.J., Ohno M. - 2008