Serotonergic system on emotional behavior of mice
Ansorge, M.S., Zhou M., Lira A., Hen R., Gingrich L.A. - 2004
"Ecstasy" administration during periadolescent period on memory and exploration in young adult rats
Piper, B.J., Meyer J.S. - 2004
Pre-training intra-substantia nigra serotonin on rat's passive avoidance
Diaz del Guante, M.A., Rivas M., Prado-Alcalà R.A., Quirarte G.L. - 2004
Lesion induced by local 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino tetralin) injection into medial raphe nucleus on contextual fear conditioning and fear postentiated startle in rats
Silva, R.C.B., Gargaro A.C., Brandao M.L. - 2004
Dorsal and ventral raphe nuclei 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesions on conditioned gaping and taste aversion in rats
Limebeer, C.L., Parker L.A., Fletcher P.J. - 2004
"Ecstasy" on scopolamine operant conditioning impairment in rats
Winsauer, P.J., Quinton M.S., Porter J.R., Corll C.B., Moerschbaecher J.M., Delatte M.S., Leonard S.T., Stroble S.B. - 2004
5-HT7 receptor on plasticity, locomotion, pain threshold, fear conditioning, operant conditioning and spatial learning in mice
Roberts, A.J., Krucker T., Levy C.L., Slanina K.A., Sutcliffe J.G., Hedlund P.B. - 2004
5-HT6 and NMDA receptor roles in object recognition of rats
King, M.V., Sleight A.J., Woolley M.L., Topham I.A., Marsden C.A., Fone K.C. - 2006
5-HT1A and 5-HT7 agonists and antagonists on operant conditioning and hippocampal and cortical cAMP production in rats
Manuel-Apolinar, L., Meneses A. - 2004
5-HT4 receptor on hippocampal long-term potentiation and operant conditioning of rats
Marchetti, E., Chaillan F.A., Dumuis A., Bockaert J., Soumireu-Mourat B., Roman F.S. - 2004
Mitogen-activated protein kinase in plasticity and memory of Aplysia - Review
Sharma, S.K., Carew T.J. - 2004
Serotonergic system on hippocampal CA1 firing during fear/stress-induced freezing in rats
Tada, K., Kasamo K., Suzuki T., Matsuzaki Y., Kojima T. - 2004
Aplysia cell adhesion molecules on serotonin-induced facilitation in Aplysia
Han, J.-H., Lim C.-S., Lee Y.-S., Kandel E.R., Kaang B.-K. - 2004
Intermediate- and long-term facilitation in Aplysia
Sherff, C.M., Carew T.J. - 2004
Serotonin and cyclic AMP role in sensitization and dishabituation in Hirudo medicinalis
Zaccardi, M.L., Traina G., Cataldo E., Brunelli M. - 2004
Tyrosine kinase receptor on serotonin-dependent extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation and long-term facilitation in Aplysia
Ormond, J., Hislop J., Zhao Y., Webb N., Vaillaincourt F., Dyer J.R., Ferraro G., Barker P., Martin K.C., Sossin W.S. - 2004
Flumazenil and tacrine on ondansetron reversion of scopolamine-induced Morris water maze amnesia in rats
Diez-Ariza, M., Redondo C., Garcia-Alloza M., Lasheras B., Del Rio J., Ramirez M.J. - 2003
Hippocampal serotonin and norepinephrine release and plasma corticosterone levels after footshock stress in the rat
Hajos-Korcsok, E., Robinson D.D., Yu J.H., Fitch C.S., Walker E., Merchant K.M. - 2003
Neurotransmitter systems involved in rat's learning - Review
Myhrer, T. - 2003
Presynaptic modulation of acetylcholine, noradrenaline, serotonin in hippocampus of aged rats: memory impairment
Birthelmer, A., Stemmelin J., Jackisch R., Cassel J.-C. - 2003
Acetylcholine, noradrenaline and serotonin in fronto-parietal cortex of aged rats depending on spatial memory
Birthelmer, A., Lazaris A., Schweizer T., Jackisch R., Cassel J.-C. - 2003
Zuclopenthixol on avoidance via noradrenergic and serotonergic mechanisms in rats
Khalifa, A.E. - 2003
Neurobiology and control of anxious states - Review
Millan, M.J. - 2003
Serotonin 2C receptors in amygdala on neophobia and exploration in rats
Campbell, B.M., Merchant K.M. - 2003
5-HT1A receptor role on lateral amygdala long-term potentiation of rats
Pollandt, S., Drephal C., Albrecht D. - 2003
Dorsal raphe nucleus 5,7-dihydroxytriptamine lesions or local injection of benzodiazepine, 5-HT1A and GABA-A agonists effects on anxiety tests in rats
Sena, L.M., Bueno C., Pobbe R.L.H., Andrade T.G.C.S., Zangrossi H. Jr., Viana M.B. - 2003
5-HT1A/1B receptor knockout mice in stress and anxiety paradigms - Review
Groenink, L., van Bogaert M.J.V., Van der Gugten J., Oosting R.S., Olivier B. - 2003
5,7-DHT lesion of dorsal raphe nucleus on hippocampal serotonin release and anxiety-related behavior in rats
Rex, A., Thomas H., Hortnagl H., Voits M., Fink H. - 2003