Handling and footshocks on drinking behavior of rats
Spence, J.T., Maher B.A. - 1962
Avoidance and alimentary reactions during amygdala stimulation in cats
Fonberg, E., Delgado J.M.R. - 1961
Components of general activity: analysis of behavior - Review
Bindra, D. - 1961
Circadian feeding in hooded and albino rats
Siegel, P.S. - 1961
Multiple schedules of time-correlated reinforcement
Hearst, E. - 1960
Food intake and spontaneous activity in amygdala lesioned rats and cats
Anand, B.K., Brobeck J.R. - 1952
Circadian feeding and drinking in rats
Siegel, P.S., Stuckey H.L. - 1947