Contribution of retrosplenial, parahippocampal and postrhinal cortices in learning and memory - Review
Bucci, D.J., Robinson S. - 2014
Fear, emotionality and brain activation in humans
Garfinkel, S.N., Minati L., Gray M.A., Seth A.K., Dolan R.J., Critchley H.D. - 2014
Hippocampal role in episodic memory of humans: perception modality study
Bergouignagn, L., Nyberg L., Ehrsson H.H. - 2014
Entorhinal and hippocampal neurons firing during spatial orientation in rats
Prerau, M.J., Lipton P.A., Eichenbaum H.B., Eden U.T. - 2014
Sensorimotor cortex β event-related synchronization/desynchronization during motor learning in humans
Tan, H., Jenkinson N., Brown P. - 2014
Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity model and in vivo visual cortex experimental verification in mice
Toyoizumi, T., Kaneko M., Stryker M.P., Miller K.D. - 2014
Learning rate and brain activity in humans: behavioral analysis and regression model
McGuire, J.T., Nassar M.R., Gold J.I., Kable J.W. - 2014
Glioblastoma orthotopic tumor on object recognition in mice
Wasilewska-Sampaio, A.P., Santos T.G., Lopes M.H., Cammarota M., Martins V.R. - 2014
Working memory and motor learning in humans: electroencephalogram study
Behmer, L.P. Jr., Fournier L.R. - 2014
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and existing memories on motor learning in humans: brain imaging study
Censor, N., Horovitz S.G., Cohen L.G. - 2014
Electroencephalographic study of motor- and perceptual spatial-working memory in humans
Smyrnis, N., Protopapa F., Tsoukas E., Balogh A., Sietos C.I., Evdokimidis I. - 2014
Emotional state on hippocampal activity during working memory in humans
Fuji, T., Saito D.N., Yanaka H.T., Kosaka H., Okazawa H. - 2014
Perceptual and semantic memory in young and aged humans: event-related potential study
Kuo, M.C.C., Liu K.P.Y., Ting K.H., Chan C.C.H. - 2014
Electroencephalographic correlates of feedback processing for learning in humans - Review
Di Bernardi Luft, C. - 2014
L-DOPA on unilateral substantia nigra 6-hydroxydopamine lactacystin injected rats: locomotor response
Konieczny, J., Czarnecka A., Lenda T., Kaminska K., Lorenc-Koci E. - 2014
Cortico-striatal output working memory in humans
Chatham, C.H., Frank M.J., Badre D. - 2014
Hippocampal role in temporal context of object recognition in humans
Hsieh, L.-T., Gruber M.J., Jenkins L.J., Ranganath C. - 2014
Cortical and hippocampal role in temporal context of recognition memory of humans
Ezzyat, Y., Davachi L. - 2014
Genotyping versus brain activity and working memory in young and aged humans
Heck, A., Fastenrath M., Ackermann S., Auschra B., Bickel H., Coynel D., Gschwind L., Jessen F., Kaduszkiewicz H., Maier W., Milnik A., Pentzek M., Riedel-Heller S.G., Ripke S., Spalek K., Sullivan P., Vogler C., Wagner M., Weyerer S., Wolfsgruber S., de Quervain D.J.-F., Papassotiropoulos A. - 2014
Eyeblink conditioning acquisition and extinction in young and aged humans: cerebellum volume study
Thurling, M., Galuba J., Thieme A., Burciu R.G., Goricke S., Beck A., Wondzinski E., Siebler M., Gerwig M., Bracha V., Timmann D. - 2014
Eelectroencephalogram analysis during working memory in humans
Zhao, Y., Tang D., Hu L., Zhang L., Hitchman G., Wang L., Chen A. - 2014
Visual context on recollection memory in humans: brain imaging study
Skinner, E.I., Manios N.A., Fugelsang J., Fernandes M.A. - 2014
Neural activation during familiarity and novelty detection in humans
Kafkas, A., Montaldi D. - 2014
Galvanic vestibular stimulationon hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial memory in rats
Zheng, Y., Geddes L., Sato G., Stiles L., Darlington C.L., Smith P.F. - 2014
Right inferior frontal cortex and inhibition - Review
Aron, A.R., Robbins T.A.V., Poldrack R.A. - 2014
Unilateral intra-medial forebrain bundle 6-hydroxydopamine on rotation and striatal, nigral lesions in rats
Ma, Y., Zhan M., Ouyang L., Li Y., Chen S., Wu J., Chen J., Luo C., Lei W. - 2014
mGluR3 receptor role in spatial orientation of mice
Lainiola, M., Procaccini C., Linden A.-M. - 2014
Age on brain activity during verbal-spatial working memory in humans
Meier, T.B., Nair V.A., Meyerand M.E., Birn R.M., Prabhakaran V. - 2014
Unilateral substantia nigra 6-hydroxydopamine lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Lindgren, H.S., Klein A., Dunnett S.B. - 2014
Prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation on fear conditioning reconsolidation in humans
Mungee, A., Kazzer P., Feeser M., Nitsche M.A., Schiller D., Bajbouj M. - 2014