Brain norepinephrine and tiroxine hydroxylase in mice
Muramoto, O., Ando K., Kanazawa I. - 1982
Tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine on locomotor activity and brain norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in mice
Gibson, C.J., Deikel S.M., Young S.N., Binik Y.M. - 1982
Intra-nucleus tractus solitarius vasopressin, oxytocin or norepinephrine on cardiovascular response in rats
Matsuguchi, H., Sharabi F.M., Gordon F.J., Johnson A.K., Schmid P.G. - 1982
Intracerebroventricular agents on grooming and locomotor activity in rats and mice
Meisenberg, G. - 1982
Phisostigmine, apomorphine, scopolamine and mphetamine on radial maze performance in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J. - 1982
Norepinrphrine, serotonin and dopamine on circadian rhythms in mice
Kempf, E., Mandel P., Oliverio A., Puglisi-Allegra S. - 1982
Systemic dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin injection on monamine levels in rats
Tikal, K., Hvizdosova J. - 1982
Pre-test norepinephrine on retrograde amnesia in rats
Concannon, J.T, Carr M. - 1982
Norepinephrine turn-over and stress in rats
Tsuda, A., Tanaka M., Kohno Y., Nishikawa T., Iimori K., Nakagawa R., Hoaki Y., Ida Y., Nagasaki N. - 1982
Vasopressin, oxytocin and catecholamines in hypothalamic neurons of monkeys
Sladek, J.R. Jr., Zimmerman E.A. - 1982
Metamphetamine and locomotor activity in mice
Kuribara, H., Tadokoro S. - 1982
d-l-amphetamine and taste aversion in rats
Greenshaw, A.J., Buresova O. - 1982
d-amphetamine and memory in rats
Sara, S.J., Deweer B. - 1982
Noradrenaline depletion by DSP4 on active avoidance in rats
Archer, T. - 1982
Cholinergic system and passive avoidance - Review
Bammer, G. - 1982
Systemic parachloroamphetamine on active and passive avoidance and fear conditioning in rats
Ogren, S.-O., Johansson C., Johansson G., Archer T. - 1982
REM sleep deprivation on passive avoidance learning in rats: cholinergic and catecholaminergic modulation
Harris, P.F., Overstreet D.H., Orbach J. - 1982
Different strains on sympathetic nervous system and response to stress in rats
Blizard, D.A., Altman H.J., Freedman L.S. - 1982
Physostigmine, scopolamine, amphetamine and apomorphine on radial maze test in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J. - 1982
β-blockers and urethane anesthesia in rats
Maggi, C.A., Meli A. - 1982
Clonidine, clozapine, haloperidol, metaclopramide and prazosin on lateral hypothalamus self-stimulation in rats
Liebman, J.M., Hall N., Prowse J. - 1982
Ethanol on noradrenergic memory in rats
Aston-Jones, G. , Foote S.L., Bloom F.E. - 1982
β-adrenergic antagonists on brain serotonin levels in rats
Hallberg, H., Almgren O., Svenssen T.H. - 1982
Hepatic encephalopaty on levodopa effects on brain norepinephrine and dopamine levels in rats
Alsasua, A., Arias J., Estebanez E., Lopez -Sanchez M. L., Arias J. I., Duran M., Garcia de Jalon P.D., H. Duran - 1982
Strain differences in Sidman avoidance in rats: cholinergic and adrenergic systems
Kuribara, H. - 1982
Substance P and noradrenergic modulation of synaptic transmission in nerves - Review
Black, I.B., Kessler J.A. - 1981
Intra-medial raphe nucleus 5,6-DHT injection on active avoidance and locomotor activity in rats: clonidine effects
Kostowski, W., Plaznik A., Pucilowski O., Bidzinski A., Hauptmann M. - 1981
Dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin on stress in the rat - Review
Weiss, J.M., Goodman P.A., Losito B.G., Corrigan S., Charry J.M., Bailey W.H. - 1981
Circadian oscillations in stress response by footshocks of mice
Fukushima, M., Sakata T., Tsuitsui K., Arase K., Gomita Y., Asano C. - 1981
Early handling on sympathetic adrenal medullary system in rats
McCarty, R., Horbaly W.G., Brown M.S., Baucom K. - 1981